Chapter 1

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The bus still reeked of sweat and old leather. Dipper glanced around at his surroundings. His and Mabel's bus had just driven under the "Welcome To Gravity Falls sign" which gave him a strange feeling of nostalgia and also anxiety. Five years... Sure, he had still kept in touch with Wendy and Soos through twitter and all that, but the siblings hadn't seen anyone they knew from Oregon since that Summer.

"You okay, Dip?" Mabel's voice rang through his ears, startling him "Oh! Yeah, just thinking I guess."

"Me too. What do you think changed? I mean it's been a while! Maybe my ex-gnome-husband will wanna catch up with me..." She teased.
Dipper barely acknowledged her so she turned her head and watched the passing sights until they arrived at the Mystery Shack.

The bus was just pulling into the parking lot when Dipper was hit with a strong wave of nausea. His feet wavered as he attempted to stand up but was too disoriented.
"What the hell..." he mumbled beneath his breath.
"Woah there, bro! You're not carsick, are you? Gosh, you haven't gotten motion sickness that bad in about 8 years. Get it together!" His twin slapped his back, already running towards her great uncle's house. The noise of Mabel brings her usual social butterfly self with their family faded out as the teen stared at the glass windows of the attic. The memories that Dipper had tried so hard to suppress were starting to make there way back into his mind and the boy was not having it.
Nope. I will not give that... that demon the satisfaction of letting him get to me. This Summer is about my family and best friends. Nothing more. It had been too long and I have been through too much.

Bill had always insisted on teasing or torturing the teen. Mainly just hurting his family, whom Dipper felt the need to protect and worry about more than himself.

The drowning flood of anxiety was enough to chase Dipper out of the bus and onto his Grunkle's porch.

Dipper and Mabel made their way back into the attic after they had said their hellos to everyone. As soon as they entered, they were greeted with a strong sense of nostalgia and familiarity. Almost everything was exactly how they had left it... It just wasn't the same. Things hadn't been the same for a while. It was around May when Dipper started having the dreams again. They had gotten progressively more vivid and terrifying since then, but he didn't want to worry his sister by telling her. They had started as just fever dreams... As if he was hallucinating in his sleep. Then they got more gruesome, and a muffled voice would call out to him, shouting incantations backward and lurking in the back of his mind. The boy shook his head to clear his mind.

"Look at it. It's so dusty. Barely touched, even!" Mabel had climbed onto her bead to get a closer look at her childhood posters.  "Oh yeah... huh." He mumbled in response.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna rest up here for a bit." He sighed, laying down on his almost-too-small-bed. "You sure, Dip? We just got here. What about Grunkle Ford I'm sure he'd love to show you some new creatures he's discovered." She kneeled at the foot of his bed, her head resting on the two arms she propped up.

"I think I'm ok...for now at least. I might check some of that out later when I'm fully settled. I'm just tired from the ride, is all. " The teen didn't have the heart to tell his twin that he was overall that magic stuff. It had screwed up their lives for all he cared, and he could not risk putting his sister, or any of his family for that matter in danger again. "Okay. Well, I'll be downstairs if you need anything. And you don't like Wendy anymore, right?" She inquired, elbowing his shoulder.

"Pfft, no." He swatted here arm away laughing. "What are you, gay? You had the biggest crush on her when we were here last time! You mean to tell me you don't eve want to hang out with her downstairs." Her twin just stared blankly ahead, frowning. Even he wasn't too sure about his orientation. "I guess I just want a little time to soak in the peacefulness of Gravity Falls. What little of it there is..."

"I understand." and with that, she exited.

Once he knew he was completely alone, he sat up in bed and decided to visit the actual attic for the first time in years. When he got there, the door was completely sealed off. A sign read "stay out." Dipper thought to himself what could possibly be the reason for it. He felt around for the door frame and pushed firmly against it unil it opened. The thick cloud of dust caused him to break out in a cough attack and he stumbled into the room.

The shining red light illuminated the room and covered everything in it an eery red hue, including the teen. The air suddenly went cold and Dipper's breath clouded in front of his face. He begrudgingly walked towards the window, a shaking hand reaching up to place his hand on the pattern. Another shock of nausea and anxiety rang through him, although this time it was different. Almost as if a strong presence was trying to communicate with, maybe inhabit him? That made no sense. Whatever it was, it took all of Dipper's strength as he passed out on the ground just then, Immediately transported into a dream- this one more lucid than any other.

The strong familiar voice surrounded him again. He was hard to understand at first, muffled by something, until it became clearer who the voice belonged to him.

"Welcome back Pine Tree!" No. No, not again. It can't be Bill. He died when Stan erased his memory. "Come on, you're not excited to have me back? Not after all we've been through?"

Dipper suddenly awoke in a hot sweat. "You ok kid? We heard you fall from downstairs. You know you can't be in here." Soos was holding a damp rag on his forehead. Out of the corner of his eye, the teen caught his Grunkle Ford slipping out of the room with an angry look on his face.

"Yeah, guess I just wandered off...sorry, it won't happen again." He said, pushing Soos's hand away from his face. Dipper walked off into his and Mabel's shared room, where he saw that it was already 7:00. Somehow he wasn't hungry. He didn't want to sleep either, fearing he might see Bill again. IT made no sense how he had been appearing in his dreams. And how this whole time it was him.

The brunette just lay back down on his bed. He didn't sleep at all that night.


Well damn hi. Ok so this is the first chapter please be nice but anyway i'll try and update as much as i can but i'm in the middle of tech week right now for the show i'm in so i'm kind of a mess! but if you see this comment how your day/night is going, i'll see you all next chapter hope you like it so far also drop suggestions maybe on what you want to see from this.

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