Chapter 2

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It had been a week since Dipper arrived in Gravity Falls. And it only took a week for the bad stuff to start reoccurring. Dipper barely got any sleep and when he didn't he would wake up shaking. It got so bad that one night he awoke drenched in tears and sweat. He was hyperventilating.

"Dipper!" The teen was startled by his sister shaking him into consciousness. "What's wrong are you okay?" Another nightmare. How very predictable.
After an hour of explaining, his bubbly sister finally understood the whole story. "So you mean to tell me that for the past couple of months you've been getting visits from Bill in your dreams and never once you even considered telling me?" She raged.
"I didn't want to worry you-" "No," she cut him off, pointing her finger directly at him. "I know you're not fond of them, but we made a deal. We promised each other that we would not keep secrets. Especially secrets like these. You need to tell me these things, even if I do get worried. I can handle myself but I need to be able to be there for you."

Dipper avoided her eyes. He didn't want to have to face her. It was pathetic. all it was were dreams. Not worth making this much of a fuss over. He's been through much worse.

Truth be told, Dipper was always fascinated by the mysterious glowing entity. He had seen many unexplainable things in the small town, which had started to not bother Dipper as much, but there was always something about that demon... He was, obviously intimidated by him, which is understandable since he made his life a living hell. But he and his twin had beat Bill several times before and knew what they were capable of doing to him but it made DIpper want to chase after him all the more. The thought of someone with that power and with a world of opportunities. However, the teen vowed to stay away from him. He would never be able to live down the fact that his curiosity and obsession with the supernatural nearly killed his family. Why did he keep getting drawn into these things... He made one two many deals with that son of a bitch triangle.

"Okay. I'm sorry. You're right, I should have told you." He finally faced her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Okay. But if we want these dreams to stop, we need a gameplan." Mable looked straight into her eyes as she said this. The teen nodded his head firmly in response.

Night after night, Dipper was tormented by the demon and he had had enough. His dreams were always lucid, but if he concentrated enough the boy would be able to gain control of them. During the dream, he would lay on the ground, frozen in fear. For some strange reasons, his dreams took place in a cornfield. Only recently though, and Dipper would be surrounded by pictures and memories of the Falls, mostly of Bill and him.

That night, Dipper chugged two full cups of chamomile tea that was probably ten years old.

"What're you doing kid you're gonna overdose!" Stan's voice called out from the living room where he was leaning back in his recliner so he could watch his nephew.

"Oh, nothing! Night Grunkle Stan!" "Night Dipper. Oh and tomorrow we-" He was cut off by the sounds of Dipper running up the stairs.

The teen's eyes shot open and were immediately blinded by the light. It was brighter than it was in the other dreams. He struggled to stand up from his position but eventually made his way into a sitting position. There he sat on his knees, his hands propping him up on the ground. The grass itched his knees and he panted despite not exerting that much energy.

"Hiya Pinetree!" His voice rang out loud and clear. Dipper lifted his head to try and find him.

"Where are you?" "Oh, I'm everywhere. But, more specifically, right here." As soon as he uttered the words, the being appeared directly in front of the boy, reaching out a hand to help him into his feet. Dipper just swatted his hand out of his face and stood up on his own. Once he was looking face to face with him, it sent chills down his spine. Not much had changed about the demon, he still was the glowing yellow triangle with one eye, however, he looked more faded. Even translucent. The teen aspects time taking his eyes over Bill, still in shock from seeing him after all these years.
"Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer." He stated plainly.

"Sorry- no, actually I'm not. It's just strange. Also," the boys' voice darkened, "what do you want. Why are you here and can you for the love of god stay out of my mindscape!" Dipper had stepped forward so he was barely a foot away from the floating demon.
"Jeez kid calm down!" Bill floated upwards, growing slightly so he towered over the teen in front of him.

"You look pretty stranger yourself. Hell, even your voice deepened. But. anyways. I guess I just wanted to- er- welcome you back!"

"No. I'm not buying it- what do you want. Honestly."
"Fine, fine. I guess I just missed you so much." He teased in a sarcastic tone. Dipper was raging at the fact that this thing thought it was ok to just waltz back into his life without the smallest of explanations. Apparently, Bill could sense his building anger and he slowly descended until he was eye level with Dipper.
"Well don't just stand there! You've been visiting me in my dreams for the past 4 months and you can't even give me a reason as to why? It's pathetic really. And you seriously didn't vance the strength to show yourself until now. Huh. Looks like a lot has happened since I last came here. You know, I was prepared to give you this entire speech about "leaving my family alone" but now I don't think you'd be able to slap my friend on the wrist without getting banished to whatever goddamn dimension you came from. Which somehow you haven't managed to do yet."
Even Dipper was shocked with himself for that. For so long he's been wanting to put that conceited demon in his place. He was always so scared. Terrified of Bill's power, which, granted, he did have a lot of- but Dipper had never been directly put into immediate danger by him. It was only ever the ones he was close to.

Bill had nothing to say to that. He just smirked. He had to admit, he was a little bit proud of Dipper for coming out of his shell, but still, come on. Exasperated, the entity rolled his eyes and vanished into blue flame. The memories that surrounded Dipper proceeded to burst into flame as well until the teen woke up in a cold sweat.

The only thing strange was that there felt as if a weight had been lifted from him. As if there was an animal laying atop Dipper's stomach and it just up and left.

hi i wrote this last night and i forgot to add this but it's currently 4 am i woke up and couldn't fall back asleep cos i got anxious. anyway i hope you like it so far and drink some water rn stay healthy bb ok bye thanks

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