Fear and Spirituality | Janani Astrology

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Fear and Spirituality are opposite to each other. Fear is something that the eco-system teaches us. A just born baby is fearless and is in a state of looking at everything equal. Over a period of time, fear arises due to insecurity of not keeping in pace with the society we are in, fear of losing family, fear of loosing love, fear of loosing wealth, fear of disease, fear of loosing friends, kith & kin , fear of loosing beauty, fear of loosing luxurious living, fear of loosing job , fear of loosing family and lastly fear of death.

If one is truly spiritual he believes in the divine and does not ask for more than what he has. What is the point of visiting a temple and praying for something that is lacking when one claims to be a believer of God? The fact that he believes in God itself should ideally make him comfortable with everything he has good or bad as it is God-given. If one is spiritual he would unconditionally believe in the divine and accept everything he experiences. If one is not accepting the experience then one is challenging God's choice and hence does not believe in God's choice, which means he is no different from an atheist.

Fear of God is the ultimate fear! It's too dramatic. This fear may bring in some temporary discipline in life, however, it may also make one deviate from one's internal desires and also at some point in time make one do secretive acts that the outer world may not appreciate. Some of the so-called ashrams and spiritual centers have become a storage point of black money. Some of the so-called traditional and God-fearing families conduct poojas and rituals however consciously get into some acts which are in-human in nature and to nullify the bad effects do a parihara homa. Neither do I see God here no human values here. This only is a Mello drama.

Hence one should shed fear and act with complete freedom. God is in the truth and God is in just being yourself irrespective of the outer influences.

The state of fearlessness is the ultimate spirituality. The most beautiful and natural way to shed fear is by doing deep meditation. This is the beginning of the spiritual journey where one goes beyond the body and this is the fastest and surest way to connect with one's suppressed fear and insecurities. One can even shed the fear of death through meditation and becomes very peaceful, calm, secure and fearless.

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