1; The Lake of Shining Waters

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  It was the week before school was set to start again this fall, and Anne had finally finished un-packing under the warmth of the early afternoon sun. Her and her family, the Cuthberts, had recently moved to Avonlea for reasons more or less unknown to Anne.

  During the car ride to Avonlea, Anne had seen a splendid pond of which she had named The Lake of Shining Waters. She was just getting ready to visit when she caught sight of herself in her vanity mirror and realised how odd she looked.

She was wearing a lavender coat with a pink tank top (which totally clashed with her hair), dark blue sweatpants, and her hair tied up in a lop-sided and loose messy bun; on top of the fact that she wasn't wearing any makeup and you could practically see her acne from 4 feet away. she in-audibly growled at her appearance before deciding to fix it, the first move being ripping out the hair tie which was barely holding her hair up.

  She looks at the horrid nest of knots sitting on her shoulders, also known as her hair. With a scowl towards her knotted red hair, she picks up her hair brush and begins the long endeavour of brushing out her messy red locks.
It takes around half an hour to brush out her hair completely, leaving it falling in delicate red waves down her back. Anne lets out a sigh of relief and heads towards her closet to find a more decent outfit. after ten more annoying minutes of trying to find something decent to wear, she decides to pair a white flowy long skirt with a jade green crop top that is decorated with a bow.

  Finally ready to go to the pond, Anne runs downstairs and packs herself a sandwich and an apple, as she hadn't eaten lunch yet and it was already 3 in the afternoon.

"Anne, where are you heading off to? I didn't know you had plans." Marilla calls from the living room.
"Im off to visit the beautiful pond we saw on our way here," I replied dreamily.
"Wasn't it just magnificent?" I ask in a hurry, hoping she'll let me go.
"It was.. ok, you can go to the pond. Just be back before dinner time!"
Marilla called as I rushed out the doorway.

As I ran down the driveway, I paused, breathing in the glorious scent of the leaves and trees during fall. I shivered in the abrubt, cold wild as I realised its finally fall and I continued making my way to the pond.

  As I was walking down the main road that I was sure lead to the pond, I recognised a voice behind me, though I didn't know who it belonged to.
"Hello. Are you new here? you seem lost." asked a girl with beautiful black hair and an angelic smile.
"Hi. And uh.. yes I'm new here. I'm looking for the Barry's Pond? Oh! My name is Anne. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert." I smiled back, hoping to make a new friend and find the pond.
"Well then you're in luck," she smiled. "My name is Diana Barry. It's nice to meet you. We could go to the pond together if you'd like, I was just headed in that direction." I swear her eyes were gleaming at the prospect of making a new friend.
"That would be great. Thank you, Diana." I smiled thankfully, happy that I was actually able to make a friend.
  The walk to the Lake of Shining Waters was short but fun, as Diana and I played 20 questions to get to know each other better.

"Hobby?" Diana asked.
"Reading. Definitely. What's yours?" I replied thoughtfully.
"Playing Piano," Diana said with a wistful smile.
"Favorite color? Mine's indigo." Diana questioned. By now we had reached the pond; it was clear enough that you could see all the way to the bottom.
"Wow, its beautiful!" I marvelled.
"Oh, my favorite color is jade green." I took a deep breath while marvelling at the sight before me and I pinched my arm to make sure it was all real.
"Ow.." Diana looked at me quizically.
"Sorry, I just had to make sure this was all real."
Diana smiled softly at me and pulled me into a hug.
"It's real, and I'm glad it is."
I sighed happily as I pulled away from the hug. I jog towards the lake, ready to spend some time with my new friend.
  When I get even closer, I saw a lone lucky clover on the bank of the pond. Grinning, I laid next to it, thanking it and the powers above that finally started making my life worth living. A quiet sigh of content left my lips as Diana laid down beside me, silently staring at the afternoon sky.

  we laid side by side for what seemed like hours, bare feet in the water, enjoying each others company. the soft grass tickled my skin as the warm afternoon breeze sifted through the strands of my hair. I finally felt at peace. true and utter peace; laying next to my new friend in the warm breeze of late summer with our feet in the clear and cool water of our Lake of Shining Waters.

  the clouds swept by above us, the feeling of euphoria filling me completely for the first time in my life.

"Diana?" I asked out of the blue.
"hm? what's wrong?" she questioned me. "Anne?"

"would you mind.. if we swore to be friends?" I asked with a shy smile and quiet voice.
When Diana was hesitant to respond, I panicked.
"I know it's- it's stupid, sorry for-"
"I will. and its not stupid. how do you do it?" she cuts me off from my ranting.
"how do you..? oh, how do you swear to be friends? well come on, ill teach you!" I jumped up, accidentally splashing Diana with water. I offered her my hand and rushed gracefully to find just the right flower.

  once I found one of those puffy white flowers of which I didn't know the name, I plucked it from the earth, grinning widely at the find. we were now in a large prairie covered in lilies, daffodils, daisies and tulips.
"Oh Diana! isn't it spectacular! the perfect place to swear friendship." I smirked, twirling in the delight of the flowers.
"oh, its beautiful!" Diana exclaims in a moment of breathless delight. Diana catches my hand and twirls me around and around until we fall on the ground in a heap of laughter. we sit for close to five minutes, regaining our breaths, and finally standing.
I grab the white, puffy flower in my hands and hold up my pinky to pinky swear.
"What do we do?" Diana asks.
"we pinky swear, while holding this flower. then we say our vows and blow the flower into the wind, forever safe-keeping our friendship." I explained.

Diana nods in confirmation and we begin, pinky swearing first.
I take a deep breath, preparing my sudden vow of friendship.

"I, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, vow to be eternally grateful for my beautiful bosom friend, Diana. I pledge to forgive any mistakes made, and to comfort whenever needed. I will always be a helping hand or a good listener when she is in the depths of despair. I will protect her when she is scared, and do my best to make her laugh. I will be her rock to steady her, and her light to lead her through the tunnel. when she laughs, I laugh. when she cries, I cry. when she is scared, I'm scared too. but no matter what, I will protect her. I will comfort her. I will be there for her when needed. I will be her best friend. forever and ever. I, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, swear to this." I say breathlessly.
it is now around 5 pm, meaning the evening light is shining blissfully on us, casting the perfect shadows to pledge friendship underneath.
Diana takes a breath and begins the vow.

"I, Diana Barry, vow to be eternally grateful for my beautiful bosom friend, Anne. I pledge to forgive any mistakes made, and to comfort whenever needed. I will always be a helping hand or a good listener when she is in the depths of despair. I will protect her when she is scared, and do my best to make her laugh. I will be her rock to steady her, and her light to lead her through the tunnel. when she laughs, I laugh. when she cries, I cry. when she is scared, I'm scared too. but no matter what, I will protect her. I will comfort her. I will be there for her when needed. I will be her best friend. forever and ever. I, Diana Barry, swear to this." Diana copies, ending the vow completely. she smiles at me and we begin the final countdown to the last step of our oath.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1..

we blew on the flower, watching its puffs carried on the waves of the wind, through the forest; forever protecting our sacred bond of friendship.

Diana Barry and I, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, are now sworn friends, with each other every step of the way. Never giving up.

I love you, Diana Barry.

I love you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.

AN: woohoo! chapter one done, an indefinite amount left.
Do you like it so far? I'm kinda on the edge, I feel like I could write  better than this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

¬*fake name*

Word count: 1611 words

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