4; Cliche

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     Anne was sitting on the floor in her gable room during what some would call a perfect autumn day. It was warm, but not too bright with a slight breeze.

      In her hands, she cradled multiple colored sharpies and Gilbert's denim jacket, working carefully to put intricate colored lines sprinkled on the back. She was listening to cliché by mxmtoon and quietly singing along.

     "Anne! Anne!" Marilla called from downstairs so quickly that she scared the redhead, making her mess up a line. The annoyed redhead groaned as she set down her sharpies and headed downstairs.

    "Yes, Marilla?" I asked. As I turned the corner into the parlor, I watched as Diana looked at the clock and then back at me. "Diana? What are you doing here?" I say with a chuckle.

   "Come on, Anne. We were supposed to leave an hour ago. Let's go get you ready." Diana replies.
"Go? Go where? Diana what are you talking about?"

Instead of replying, Diana simply grabs my wrist and drags me up the stairs to my room. I look back at Marilla for help, but she merely shrugs her shoulders, probably just as confused as I am.

When we reach my room, Diana plops herself down on the edge of my bed and neatly folds her hands in her lap and watches me.
"What?" I question.
"I'm waiting for you to get ready."
"Ready for what, Diana? How am I supposed to get ready if I don't know what I'm getting ready for?" I ask for what seems like the millionth time in the past five minutes.

"Maybe you should check your phone every once in a while. If you had cared to text me back you would know where we're going." Diana states simply, a small smile forming on her lips.

  With a sigh, I walked over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone, laying back on my bed in the process. Turning on my phone, I realized that diana had texted and called me multiple times in the past 2 hours. Reading through the texts, I realized she had made plans for us to go to Grandma Ruby's cafe.

    "Grandma Ruby's? Is that the one that's like an old 50's diner?"
    "That's the one. C'mon, get ready to go." Di says with a smile so happy and childish that you just can't resist.

    Soon I'm up and rummaging through my closet for a nice outfit to wear, that will also be warm enough for tonight.
"Diana, I'd really appreciate it if you would help me, instead of sitting and scrolling through Instagram."
Diana just hums in response.
"Unless, of course, you're not scrolling through Instagram.. maybe you're texting Charlie. How am I supposed to know?" I say with a mischievous grin.
Oddly enough, I don't hear any sort of response, or even a sound, from Diana.

    Finally, I turned around, holding a lightweight grey sweater, an almost knee length black denim skirt, and fishnets.

    "Pillow fight!" Diana yells, already holding a pillow in her hands. I drop my clothes and try to make my way to my bed, but Diana is berading me with hits, so I fall to the ground in a heap of laughter.

    "You have an unfair advantage!" I squirm as she ditches the pillow and starts tickling me instead.

Bad decision on her end. I'm good at tickle fights.

   I grab Diana and roll her off of me, tickling her in the process.
Although I'm aware that most people squirm when being tickled, I wasn't aware Diana would squirm so much.
   After around a minute, I fell off, falling into my nightstand. Both Diana and I suddenly stopped all movements when a loud sound came crashing from behind us.

   Shock was written all over our faces.  Slowly turning around in horror to see what fell, we realized that it was only my colored pens I was using earlier.

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