KISS Family Gift Exchange Part 2-Chapter Four (Tommy Thayer x Vixen91 Oneshot)

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Paul Stanley got into the limo and it took him to my house.

I was just finishing up my hair when the driveway way alarm rang.

"Hey sweetie"! "I haven't seen you since Halloween Night"!

We both shared a hug and then Paul kissed the top of my head.

I giggled and then went to go feed my cats their breakfast, since I already had mine at  8:00 in the morning.

"You need a coat and some's below freezing outside".

Paul told me, and then I went to go get my brown coat and my red gloves were already in the zipper pocket of my coat.

We got into the limo and rode to the KISS mansion using a teleportation spell, which made it a lot faster than having to fly on a airplane.

When we finally got to our destination, both Catmen were playing with their scratching posts.

Ace Frehley and Eric Carr were watching Christmas classics on TV.

Tommy and Vixen91 were snuggling by the fireplace to keep warm, and then it was time to eat.

And Vixen91 was also wearing a blue bow in her hair.

Tommy thought it was cute.

"Come and get it"!

Bruce Kulick called out from the kitchen.

(*Skip time period to when we all finish eating and we all start the gift exchange*)

Paul and Gene went upstairs to get the stuff to exchange gifts with.

All the gifts were really nice and some were really funny.

Vinnie got a KISS condom from Gene, who was now sticking out his long tongue out at me.

I threw a fake spider at him, and he ran away screaming like a little schoolgirl.

"Not funny"!

The Demon growled as me and everyone else laughed our asses off at him.

Paul also gave Vinnie a guide book about sex and marriage.

It made me and the Ankh Warrior blush quite a bit, but we were both smiling happily.

Ace and Peter both got matching Christmas kitten socks from Tommy and Eric Singer, in which they both gave each other a best friend hug.

Eric Carr got a fox plushie from me, and in return, he also got me a fox plushie.

"Awww"! "I love it"! "Thank you Fox"!

"Aww, your welcome".

The Fox smiled softly.

Bruce got a brand new guitar from Paul, and Vixen91 got a blue ring from Tommy.

Then, when Tommy and Vixen91 stood up by the fireplace, a bunch of mistletoe was hanging up on the ceiling.

I put my hand on my mouth to keep from laughing, and so did Vinnie.

Together side by side, Tommy and Vixen91 shared a passionate kiss.

Vinnie Vincent then pulled me up to his chest and kissed me passionately and I smiled and deepened the kiss tenderly.

Paul smiles as the two couples embraced each other through love and harmony.

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