Injury-Chapter Five (KISS Oneshot #1)

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Vinnie was outside the KISS mansion helping Gene Simmons chop up some wood for the fireplace.

He was just about ready to swing the axe across the tree stunt when all of a sudden, he tripped over a bucket and twisted his ankle in the wrong place.


The lead guitarist cursed underneath his breath.

"Vinnie...what happened"?!

Ace and Peter came outside wearing their warm woolies.

"My hurts..."

Together, Gene, Ace, and Peter helped the ankh warrior hop on one foot to get back inside the safety of the KISS mansion.

Meanwhile, I had just received a message from the Starchild that Vinnie was hurt.


I screamed at the top of my lungs and running straight across the snow covered ground.

Vinnie was sitting in a chair with his injured ankle propped up on the footrest.

He was groaning in pain.

"There's our sweet angel of rock n roll"!

Eric Carr cheerfully called out.

The fox expected me to laugh and smile like I always did, but this time was very different.

I was sobbing with warm tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Ohhh Emily...there's no need to worry. I just sprained my ankle a little bit. I'll be fine.

But I wouldn't take no for an answer.

I ran over to Vinnie as he extended out his arms and wrapped them around me.

"'s going to be okay".

I hid my face in Vinnie's chest and everyone else watched as the couple embraced each other with lots of love and kisses.

"We need to get to Doctor Bonehead as soon as possible, and because Emily was the only witness other than Gene, she needs to go with me".

Paul Stanley began to put on his warm woolies.

(A warmwinter coat, gloves, a scarf, and winter boots basically)

I cried out when the Starchild tried to grab me out of Vinnie's arms.

"Emily daring...I promise you that everything will be okay. Besides, you and Paul need to go and get the doctor before the blizzard gets here".

I hugged him and he smiled.

"Here, you wear this until you and Paul return".

Vinnie handed me his golden Ankh Warrior necklace.

"Now you'll have a part of me..."

He kissed my cheek and then my forehead.

"Aww...that's so beautiful...isn't it Peter buddy"?

Ace wiped a single tear of joy from the corner of his eye and then pulled the first Catman into a tight hug.

"O-okay Ace, you're squishing my muscles".

Peter squirmed out of Ace's grip on him.

Ace laughed and ruffled the drummer's gray hair.

Paul smiled as he gently carried me out the front door to the KISS Christmas sleigh.

He made sure that the horse was safely secured in her reins and special equipment.

Then, we set off for the house of Doctor Bonehead.

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