Chapter 4 ~Dinner

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and the Characters. I only own the story and the Characters I invented. 
I am using Neji's manga look: Black hair, white eyes.


The queen and some of the counselors got up and left the room.
While the king was still talking to the others, Saelind and Aldon stood up and left to room.
"Just to be clear: She will stay with us!"She hissed to him.
He remained shocked, all in all, he just wanted to help...

*A few days later*

Although the mother was told that the elves could cause problems, she still did not expect them to be such troublesome.
That (Y/n) is an almost extinct elf species spread like a wildfire in a forest. 
It gathered worshipers in front of the door, who wanted to meet (Y/n), to talk to her or even date her, which was a little worrying for some of the older ominous elves...
But she also had some haters who left hate letter and sometimes even threats of murdering her, throwing things against their house and saying nasty things and even going so far as to threaten (Y/n) in public.
But last night was the highlight.
Last night, a dark elf broke in with an enchanted dagger in his hand and had the intent to kill her.
She doesn't know why, whether it was by coincidence or her instinct, but she woke up and had the urge to look after the oldest daughter, the rest went way too fast.
She enchanted him somehow with the best magic she have come up with in the hurry, a binding, and at the end he got led away from a knight.
"Revenge for the dark." is what he yelled to her, that sentence went through her mind all the time. 

Revenge, an act designed to compensate for previously allegedly or actually suffered injustice.
It's intentionally an infliction of harm to a person who is said to have committed the wrong.
But (Y/n) hasn't done anything wrong, has she? This floated in the mother's head all the time.
Was it unjust that (Y/n) was alive? No.
Everyone should be atoned for their own sins, and it was definitely not her fault. After all she was just a baby when it happend.
If anyone should suffer for it, then herself.
Yet she wondered how the elves found out that (Y/n) was the baby that got enchanted.

A knock on the door snapped her back to reality.
She placed the little shape out of glass, filled with various vegetables, in the oven, then she walked to the door.
There she found her youngest daughter at the door, which was already wide open.
Her heart stopped for a moment.
"I told you that you shouldn't just open the door!" She rushed to her daughter and pulled her away from the door.
"He said that he is a friend of father." The little girl said innocently, her big blue eyes looked up at her like a lost puppy.
As she looked up at the man, she immediately realized that he wasn't from the tribe.
The slender man had long black hair that looked pretty well groomed, his striking face was particularly appreciated, as not a single strand of his hair fell into his face.
It seemed like he was wearing a white bathrobe, which was fastened with a black strap, over which he wore a dark green jacket, an in her opinion pretty funny style.
Most string were his white eyes, which felt like he looked through oneself, and his severe facial expression.
"My name is Hiashi Hyuga." The man introduced himself.

The two nodded and were about to introduce when he interrupted.
"I already know who you are, I am only interested to meet my daughter-in-law...Is (Y/n) here?" He asked.
The two exchanged a short gaze and then looked at him surprised." Isn't she more your niece-in-law?" Saelind asked confused.
"Well, since I have taken Neji into my care I don't make a difference anymore if he's my nephew, my adoptive son or the son I've never had." Hiashi said blankly.
Saelind frowned at him. "Tell (Y/n) that we have a guest." She mumbled to her youngest without breaking eye contact with him.
She didn't know what exactly it was, whether it was his eyes or his character, but the man was scary to her.
After she disappeared, Hiashi spoke up again. "What are those kind of manners to just leave a guest in front of the door?"
The woman quickly stepped away from the door to let him in.
The foreign man entered while he looked around the room. "Interesting furnishing styles."
Saelind looked at him for a moment perplexed until her view faded of the kitchen.
"May I offer something to drink?"

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