Chapter 22 ~ Scars

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and the Characters. I only own the story and the Characters I invented.

!Warning, long Chapter incoming AND in the end might be a spoiler about Naruto Shippuden!

(Y/n) is on a good way of recovery, but she suffered a panic take during a training session.
Neji blames himself for the situation, which leads (Y/n) to comfort him.

Haldir suddenly appears to speak to (Y/n).
During the conversation he searches for her proximity and Neji gets jealous, he wants to kick him out.

*(Y/n)'s PoV*

"(Y/n), you know I love you and I would do anything for you, right?" Haldir asked almost desperately.
His blood red eyes were large and stared at me hopefully.
I couldn't bring myself up to say something, it was like I got muted by my paining heart.
"(Y/n)..."Haldir took my dainty hand in his and brought it to his weirdly hard chest.
I felt a hard bump against my hand, which ran across my skin like a wave and spread throughout my body.

A dirty smile was on Haldir's lips.
Haldir's face got a mixed expression of naughty and nasty.

I frowned as the wave crashed into my head and made my brain throb uncomfortably.

A cold defiant look, full of hatred, but Haldir said nothing.

I had a knot in my throat and just swallowed hardly.
And still I hadn't found my voice and stood motionless in front of him.
"Enough!" Neji interfered and stood up.

Haldir pressed his body between my legs. 

"Go now." He said expectantly and in a strict tone to Haldir.
"No, I want to finish talking to (Y/n)."Haldir declared decisively.

Haldir went down my body, touching my naked sides. 

"But she doesn't want to!" Neji walked to the door and opened it.
He looked over at Haldir expectantly and made a small gesture to the door.
"I want to hear that from (Y/n)." Haldir said.
He turned towards me and had a soft glance. "Do you want me to go?"
I panted and was almost out of breath while my heart ached against my chest.

I was paralyzed. 
I felt the breath of Haldir in front of my face. 
Haldir grabbed my arm and pulled my naked body up, throwing me roughly against the wall, pushing his body against mine.
Haldir stared at me.
Haldir was now on my knees and I felt a touch on my thighs. 

The tips of Haldir's fingers went up to the towel and tore it from my body.

"...What?" Haldir looked at me in shock, his face turned in a sickly pale gray while Neji opened his pearl white eyes widely.
"I hate you." I said my thought out loud.
My head hurts and my body felt so heavy, it was like I was being pulled down by gravity and had just enough strength to stay straight.
I could only vaguely remember the last few minutes.
All the time these thoughts circled in my head.
Haldir and what he did to me in the tower, in the dark room.

All the years that I knew him were wasted.
All the time that I had spent with him was wasted.
All the feelings I had for him were wasted.
Feelings for a monster.
Yes, he was- no, he is  a monster.
I had loved a monster.
But this time is over.

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