Chapter 19 ~ Heavy heart

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and the Characters. I only own the story and the Characters I invented.

(Y/n) has been kidnapped and is in a dark room.
Again and again she hears a high-pitched voice that screams.
Loved ones appear and mostly say rude things about her and even become violent.
A strange dark lady shows up, which keeps her imprisoned.
Neji and Haldir manage to free (Y/n), which does not respond well to the presence of the elf.

*(Y/n)'s PoV*

Her eyes were narrowed as if she wanted to look at me with anger, but her dark eyes had this spark of kindness.
Her full lips were slightly apart and smiled at me, while her dark purple hair was tied in a braid, presenting her big ears.
The woman raised a hand in my direction. "It's time my child."
I took her tiny soft hand and our surrounding became very light, almost just a white with only our figures.
Suddenly a large mirror appeared in front of us.

She turned my body towards the mirror and laid her hands on my dainty shoulders.
Gently, one of her hands brushed a strand of my (h/c) hair away, presenting my big pointy ears.
Her face moved to my cheek. "You have inherited those ears from me, my child." She breathed on the top of my ears and started to giggle softly.
The giggle grew louder to a laugh and then she laughed heavily.
Suddenly everything went black and I was in a room.

A foul smell rose in my nose which etched my nasal mucosa.
A bright light appeared from above and shone on a body lying on the floor.
It was a girl with (h/c) hair, her lifeless (e/c) eyes were wide open with fright and stared in my direction, a puddle of blood was spread out on the floor.
My hands felt sticky, so I lifted them up and after a brief look I realized that they were bloody, in my one hand was a big and pointed ear that looked like mine, blood dripped from the top of it.
I dropped the ear and with the impact of it on the ground, my dream blurred.

I flinched and when I felt something on my legs, I kicked as hard as I could.
"EY!" A female voice complained.
A pink head appeared in my field of vision.
I looked around in confusion.
It was really bright in the room, but still I could still recognize that I was in Neji's and my bedroom.
My torso was wrapped in some warm and cozy blankets while my bare legs froze.
A small area under my butt was a little scratchy and rough.
A towel?
"Let me examine you briefly, okay?" Sakura asked gently and put another hand on my thigh.

The breath was now on my knees and I felt a touch on my thighs.

I shrugged with my legs. "No!"
My body started to tremble automatically and I jerked my legs away from her hand.
She paused for a moment and looked at me with a frown.
Her emerald green eyes looked at me with pity.
"(Y/n), I guess your bleeding is a normal menstrual period, maybe triggered by too much stress. But I still have to ask you something..." She started and her voice became soft.
"Neji thinks that you were raped." She explained slowly and carefully. "Is he right?"

I pushed the blanket down and covered my cool legs.
A long moment later I still didn't say anything, it felt like the time was passing very slowly.
"Rape means a massive injury to the victim, while we not always can see the physical harm of a ra-"
"Stop!" I interrupted the pink haired.
This word made me sick, I literally felt like a lump was in my throat and was just waiting to be spit out.
How could she say that so easily?
"Please go now." I asked her to leave.
Sakura hesitated, but left me alone in my room.
Well, almost.
After she disappeared out of the door, someone else entered the room.

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