Chapter 10 - Jar of Organs

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Addy and Silky seemed to get along rather nicely. Well, they should, they were siblings. It reminded Papyrus of when he and Sans were younger, they had always been rather close. Well, they had been. Before the surface.

Silky was a rather formal person. She sat straight, and had really good manners. Extremely good manners. The girl offered to do the dishes, and cleaned the house without any prompt. However, she was obsessed with things being 'even', causing her to often be disgusted by certain things. She spent an hour reorganizing everything just to make it a little more even and organized. Addy liked to hold onto her hand, switching from holding Silky's hand to Undyne's. Silky asked Papyrus if he had any reading material, as Addy liked to be read to before she went to bed. Sans used to do it before he disappeared.

That's why Papyrus took it upon himself to read to her. Silky had explained to them that Addy had selective mutism, she couldn't talk to people she didn't feel comfortable with. She could only talk to her family, and weirdly, anyone who killed someone else. It was an unusual twist on selective mutism, but Papyrus didn't really care. The little girl had gone out to eat organs anyway, why would he even be surprised by another quirk at this point?

Silky was extremely helpful for the situation. His niece explained a lot about everything, giving them the information they needed. Not only that, but she was open to helping them with anything they needed. Papyrus had to keep declining her help, as she was his niece and she shouldn't be doing the cooking for her.

The two girls eating habits were unusual. Silky would take a plate of food and disappear to another room to eat, returning with an empty plate and thanking Papyrus. They had asked, but she said her way of eating was unconventional and tended to scare off people who watched. And she deemed it impolite to eat in front of her 'hosts'. Sometimes she took Addy, as Addy had watched Silky eat her whole life and was used to it.

Addy's eating was different. Silky and her would disappear in the middle of the night, returning with blood stained clothes and with new reports on T.V about a person with missing organs found dead. At least the murders weren't very local anymore, going to other towns. Papyrus inquired her about it, and Silky explained that she helped Addy to make sure nothing happened to her. She assured him that even though they left in the middle of the night, the two were capable and didn't need him to stay up and make sure they made it back safely. That didn't stop him from staying up to make sure the two returned anyway.

It had been a few days since Silky's introduction, and they had been looking around to try and see if they could find any of her other siblings or family members.

Papyrus had been cooking some pie with Toriel when he opened the fridge, almost gagging when he looked inside.

A jar. There was a jar of human organs in his fridge.

"Papyrus?" Toriel asked him, glancing over at him from the counter.

"Oh, I apologize," Silky said, looking up from the computer she was on. "It requires less murders if we save the excess amount of organs we get during one kill. I did make sure to use a jar that you don't use, I'll be sure to wash it when we leave."

"Ah..." Toriel said, her voice wavering as she caught sight of what was in the fridge.

"When you leave?" Papyrus asked.

Ever since Addy had come into his house, he's kept his voice on more of a quiet tone to make sure not to startle her.

"In a few days, yes," Silky said.

"Did you find any of your family?" Papyrus asked.

"Not yet, no," Silky said, "But I believe we have come to overstay our welcome here. After all, you all seem rather uncomfortable with what Addy eats. I would have placed it elsewhere to keep it concealed from you all, but that is the only fridge you have. I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable, but we'll be taking our leave soon."

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