The Wake Up Call

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The next day AJ was in her hotel room sleeping. She was dreaming about her adopting a bunch of puppies and playing with them. All of a sudden she started to hear her theme song vividly. She was wondering were it was coming from. Then AJ woke up to find her phone ringing.

AJ pickes up the phone and its Dolph. Her and Dolph patched things up a while ago so her and Dolph talk once in a while.

"Hello" AJ answers.

"Hey its Dolph" He says.

"Whats up Dolph" she asks.

"Stephanie is pissed about last night and she was talking to a few Divas" Dolph says.

"What she has to be mad about? She beat Brie because of Nikki so she needs to be happy" AJ says.

"Well she is gonna make a big announcement tonight regarding your match at Night of Champions" Dolph says.

"Well what ever she puts in front of me I can beat" AJ says confidently.

"Well you sound like a show off" Dolph jokes.

"Nah I dont show off but I am the show stealer" AJ says joking back.

"Ok ok anyways I gotta go cya" Dolph says while the both says goodbye.

AJ hangs the phone and tries to look next to her to see if punk is there. Punk is not on the bed. He did how ever leave a note.

Dear April,

    Out jogging ill be back with breakfast and Starbucks

AJ smiles and then she puts on her glasses and turns on the TV for the news.

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