The Night After SummerSlam (Part 1)

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After AJ and Punk ate their breakfast AJ got dressed meanwhile Punk was already dressed. They got their luggage and started to head to the Barclays Center over at Brooklyn NY for tonights Raw. While they were arriving they discussed the consequence. Punk wasn't worried about The Authority. He told AJ to calm down and dont worry about anything.

Monday Night Raw
Barclays Center

AJ awaits for Stephanie to make her big announcement thats been advertised. Then Stephanie comes out. When she went into the ring she grabbed a microphone.

"Before I say anything I would like to say that im so happy that I beat Brie" Steph praises.

"Now down to business I would like to call down a person who is a big part of my victory, NIKKI BELLA!" Steph says

Nikki comes out and the crowd is booing her. Like typical New York crowd is cheering "NIKKI IS A HOE! NIKKI IS A HOE!"

"You people are too sweet" Nikki says sarcastically.

"You know I feel so great to be out of Brie's shadow because I was always put under her wing and she was getting all the attention but not anymore because I am Im the one in the spotlight now" Nikki says preaching.

"Im happy for you Nikki, now with that said my big announcement is that Nikki Bella is the number one contender for the divas title" Stephanie says.

AJ in the back was laughing. Then all of a sudden Paige's theme song plays. Paige is walking down to the ring angry as hell.


"You heard very well you little ghost im number one contender so you have get to the back of the line" Nikki says.

Then paige attacks Nikki. AJ is in the back laughing her butt off because the cat fight is amusing her. She walks away from the monitor amd she goes to Punks dressing room.

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