The Night After SummerSlam (Part 2)

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"So did they announce who you are facing at night of champions?" Punk asked.

"Yeah its Nikki the Total Diva Bella" AJ responds back.

"Well that sounds stupid, anyways I got a match tonight against Randy so I gotta go and stretch" Punk says.

"Ok have fun" Then AJ kisses Punk on the cheek.

Punk smiles and goes out of his dressing room. Punk then stretches before going for his match. He puts on his headphones and listens to some classic AFI songs to stay concentrated. He does this for 10 minutes. 

"Punk your up next" As Joey Mucury, Punks long time friend tells him.

Punk then goes to where the curtain is at and waits for his entrance theme to start. When his music started playing Punk walks on to the stage with the WWE World Championship. When he made it to the ring he then awaits for Randy Orton. All of a sudden Randy's song didnt play it was the Athority's theme plays. Randy,Kane,Triple H,and Seth Rollins comes out. Hunter has a microphone and says something.

"You know Punk we had a plan B but you ruined it so we have a better plan" Hunter says.

Then Kane,Rollins,Orton, and Triple H starts walking down the ramp. Punk gets ready to fight all of The Authority. All of a sudden Dean Ambrose comes out of nowhere to attack on Rollins. As The Authority is distracted, Punk bounces off the ropes runs across the ring and does a suicide dive on the rest of them. Dean makes Rollins run.

Ambrose and Punk sets their sights on the rest of The Authority. Punk GTS Orton and Ambrose Dirty Deads Kane. The show ends while Ambrose music is playing and both Punk and Ambrose pose on the ropes.

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