Chapter One

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I stood in the driveway with my family as I packed the last of my luggage into the backseat of my cousin- Claire's car. She was returning to school as a senior in a college not too far from mine and offered to drop me off.

My car was taken to the auto parts shop a few days back and could not be delivered to me before I resumed. Mum wanted the tyres and oil checked and the engine replaced, claiming that she didn't want it to give me any problems. She would have it delivered to me in school when it was ready.

I called my mum The Perfectionist. She always wanted everything to be perfect.

My parents worked as attorneys at the firm my dad successfully built over the years. Their job kept them away from the house most of the time. It was a good thing they were here today.

"I'll miss you Julie, will you come home often?"
Kevin, my younger brother asked.

"Sadly I can't, I can only visit during the holidays. But don't you worry, Christmas is just around the corner." I assured him with a smile.

He nodded. "Okay"

"Yeah. Don't miss me too much" I said, turning to Khloe who stood staring at us.

"You wish" She scoffed.

"Do you want to deny the fact that you'll miss annoying the hell out of me? I'm relieved to be off your hook for a while."

She was a constant pain in my ass. The typical troublesome younger sister.

"It's not like you're going away forever, you'll always come back so I can make do with that."

"Did you just admit that you'll miss me?" I gasped dramatically, bringing my hands to my chest.

She rolled her eyes. "Drama queen. Don't flatter yourself."

"Alright kids." Dad said stepping in front of us. "Take care of yourself, Julie." he said, pulling me into a hug.
"I know I'm not always around to spend time with you and your siblings but I'll make sure to support you in the best way I can. If you feel like college is too overwhelming, you know you've got your mum and I right? "

"I know dad. I know." I nodded.

"Julie dear, are you sure you packed everything?" My mum asked for the umpteenth time.

"Yes mum, there's no need to worry. I packed everything I need." I gave her a tight smile.

"Call us when you arrive."

"I will."

"Come here, both of you." She brought Claire and I in for a hug and the rest of the family joined in.

We stayed that way for a while before I squeezed my way out.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late and we need to go. I love you all."

"Bye. We love you too." They said with bittersweet emotion and waved at us.

After a long, tiring, one and a half hour drive, we arrived and parked at the dorm's parking lot.
I stepped out of the car and exhaled loudly as I stared up at my dorm building, taking in the surrounding of the place I would spend the next four yearrs of my life in.

Claire helped me with my luggage and I carried the boxes as we walked into an office at the reception. The lady at the desk requested for my name and gave me my room key with the dorm number on it. I thanked her and we walked towards the elevator.

We stepped out of the elevator and I found my room on the second door to the right.
I stepped in and saw a girl whom I assumed was my roommate lying on her back with one leg crossed on top of her knee.

New Beginnings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora