Chapter Two

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The sound of my alarm blared throughout the room and I heard a groan.

"Ugh, turn it off." Liv's voice came out as muffled.

I blindly reached for the alarm on the nightstand, stretching too close to the edge of the bed and slipped, landing with a thump on the floor.

"Ow!" I picked up the alarm and rubbed my elbow, examining it.

I glanced up and saw her snoring softly, hugging her pillow. Liv and I had gotten closer during the past few days, forming a roommate bond and I was glad we got along well.

I quickly set the alarm to thirty minutes before her class so she doesn't oversleep and headed to the bathroom to take my bath and brush my teeth.

I fished out a wine-coloured long sleeve crop top with 'babe' written on it to go with black high-waisted jeans from my closet and my black converse. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and put on minimal makeup, ready for today's class.

A week had gone by since I resumed and my mum had my car returned to me three days ago, later than I expected. She even had the colour changed to blue and luckily I loved it. I walked up to it with a huge smile on my face.

"I won't let anyone take you away from me for so long again, Buddy." I cooed, planting my cheek on top of it and caressed the body.

I got the Audi R8 as a gift from my dad for my eighteenth birthday and I'd fallen in love with it ever since I set my eyes on it.

I heard a deep laughter behind me and I whipped my head around. My eyes came in contact with deep green ones and my cheeks tingled in embarrassment.

"I could get used to this everyday." His eyes were twinkling with amusement as they bored into mine.

The top of his dark hair was tousled to the side and his eyes held so much intensity, they made my knees weak. My eyes traveled down to his chest which was hidden in a white shirt and a denim jacket that hugged his features perfectly. I could only think of two words.

Total hunk.

I peeled my eyes off his chest, not wanting it to distract me.

"Get used to what?"

"This," He gestured between me and my car. "A pretty lady and a nice car everyday." He repeated.

"Thanks..?" It came out more like a question than a statement.

"I should probably leave you to continue romancing your car." He had a smug look on his face that I had the urge to wipe off.

"That's not the way to talk to someone. I wasn't romancing my car." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

I watched as he slid an arm into his pocket and my eyes moved to his chest again. I hadn't realized I had been staring for long until I heard his voice again.

"Like what you see?" I looked up to find a smirk plastered on his face.


What the hell is wrong with me?

"Take a pic, it'll last longer. See you around, dimples." He winked at me and with that, he walked in the opposite direction, ti

I groaned and slapped my head once I realized that I had just completely embarrassed myself in front of a complete stranger. Romancing my car? Was that how it looked like to him? I wondered how many people had seen me in that position before he did.

What a great way to start off my morning.

I decided to grab a cup of coffee before heading to class and ordered a latte.

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