Chapter Three

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It was Thursday.

I was free, so I decided apply for a job at a café I had spotted downtown. I saw that they had a vacancy and it was the perfect college job for me. I had always wanted to work at a café but my mum never agreed. She claimed her and dad earned enough to provide for the family.

She was right. They could provide for us but I've always wanted to know how it felt to make your own money no matter how little it was.

I could already hear her voice in my head. "Sweetie, I don't need to stress yourself. You know your dad and I can provide for whatever you need. Just study hard and make us proud."
My dad never objected. All he did was nod in agreement to whatever she said.

I parked outside the café and looked at the sign before walking in. Mike's Coffee Shop. I was surprised to see Emily behind the counter busying herself with the cash register. The shop wasn't too rowdy and it wasn't empty either. She looked up as I walked in.

"Hey Julie" She said, smiling at me.


"What would you like to order?" She asked.

"Uh, actually I came here to apply for a job." I told her.

"Oh, okay then. Come with me." She said.

She motioned for me to follow her and led me to a door which I assumed was an office behind the counter and knocked.

A middle-aged man peeked his head out from behind the door.

"She's here to apply for a job, Mike." Emily told him and he nodded.

"Please come in and have a seat." He said to me.

I walked into the office and looked around, it was a small, but nice place. Papers were strewn about the table.

"I'm Mike, the owner of this café." He said, drawing out his chair to sit and offered me a handshake.

"Nice to meet you sir. My name is Julie." I accepted the handshake.

"Just call me Mike. Calling me sir makes me feel old." He said and I laughed.

"Okay Mike."

He briefed me on the nature of the job–which I already knew. I would make and serve the coffee and Emily would take care of the cash register. We agreed that I would start on Monday and after deciding on what my wage would be, I thanked him and walked out.

"That was quick." Emily said looking at me as she made a cup of coffee.

I shrugged. "I start on Monday."

"That's cool. We're not just coursemates but coworkers as well." She replied gleefully.

I smiled back at her.

"Try this espresso macchiato." She poured out the coffee into a paper cup for me. "We give it out to new customers. It's not like you're a customer anyway." She chuckled.

I took a sip. "It's nice."

I thanked her and walked out through the glass door with the coffee in hand.

I bumped into a hard chest right outside the door and my coffee spilled on his white shirt making him drop his phone and he cursed under his breath. I heard the screen crack as it dropped to the floor and winced at the impact. I heard him curse under his breath.


"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I apologized, fishing out my handkerchief from my purse and dabbed it onto his chest without thinking. It only made the stain worse and I groaned in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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