When I knew Rain sounds like Pain

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After a broken vow
There could be pain
But there's always a rainbow
After the rain

Yet after the pain, so much pain
A person can be suicidal,
Even after the rain, so much rain
The life can be survival

After that pain, that so much pain,but we don't know if it actually ends
You could die like no longer breathing like hanging from the ceiling
Or die with you having shower with your blood like slicing your neck
Your wrist,

Just like after the rain, that so much rain yet we don't know if when it actually ends
You could also die without hanging yourself, getting infected
Or die with you having a shower in the flood while slowly drowning, from the bottom to the top, the last thing you could do is a kiss.

After that rain, like it already ended, it's dry
After that pain, like we wished it ends
It can be 'die'
After this poem about pain of a broken vow, and after the rain, there is rainbow,

there will be one question "Why?"

~ Posteng Makata.

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