important update\\authors note

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hi! I know its been forever since I've updated this, and I'm sorry about that. My personal life and school will always come before this story, and I hope you guys understand that.

I'd like to go back and rewrite this whole thing. its been 4 years since I started this story and I never would've guessed it would get so much attention. 40k reads is fucking insane. but when I was in 8th grade and first starting this, I was a different person and I didn't like them that much. I was getting hospitalized a lot because of self-harm and that's a lot of where this story came from. When I first started to write this, I feel my writing was weak, and I was not only promoting anorexic behavior with the way that I wrote this, but sexualizing gay relationships and I find that to be gross. I want to rewrite this and make it better. I'm not quite sure if I will yet, but thank you all for being patient with me.

side note: something I've wanted to mention since I started getting comments on it; leaving an abusive relationship is NOT that easy. It's irritating to come on here and see how many of you are saying "jUsT lEaVe, ItS nOt ThAt HaRd." it is that hard, and you won't know unless you're in that situation. physically, it may be easy to leave, but when physical abuse ties into psychological abuse, you have NO idea how hard it is to try to leave. This may be a fictional story, but it shows how you'd respond to your loved ones in a similar situation.

I think that's all I have to say for right now, thank you again for being patient.

love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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