love maze;

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❝let them be them, let us be us.❞

where the mean comments passed by people get to jeongguk.

words: 514

third person's pov

taehyung held jeongguk's hand, glaring down at the boys, who were now shaking.

he had found them saying things about jeongguk and his relationship and least to say, they got to jeongguk.

they told jeongguk how he wasn't worth it. how he wasn't worthy of taehyung's love.

❝make sure you don't even stand near him,❞ taehyung said, his voice deep.

he pulled jeongguk away, walking towards their dorm.

getting in, jeongguk burst out in tears. all his unshed tears now rolling down his cheek and he sobbed uncontrollably.

❝hey, baby bunny...c'mere, darling,❞ taehyung sat on the bed, pulling jeongguk closer by his waist and hugging him.

he made jeongguk sit down, wiping away his tears.

❝is what they said true...? a-am i really not w-worthy-❞ jeongguk was cut off by his own sob.

taehyung wiped jeongguk's tears, which didn't seem to stop.

he pulled jeongguk closer, letting jeongguk lay his head on his chest. jeongguk buried his face in taehyung's chest, letting taehyung play with his long hair.

❝that's not true, bun. you know how much i love you, right?❞ taehyung whispered, carding his fingers through jeongguk's hair.


it wasn't a stutter of habit. it was a stutter of uncertainty.

❝hey, baby...look at me,❞ taehyung said, lifting jeongguk's chin up to look at him in the eyes.

he slowly placed his lips on jeongguk's, pecking them softly. he rubbed jeongguk's sides, peppering his cheek with kisses.

❝i love you with all my heart, jeongguk. i promise. you're my baby angel,❞ taehyung smiled, hugging jeongguk closer.

❝y-you still love me? even though i p-push you away?❞ jeongguk sniffled, looking at taehyung.

❝of course, baby. you're my precious gem.❞

❝r-really? y-you don't hate me when i say mean things?❞ jeongguk pouted, looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

❝of course not, angel. i do get offended sometimes, but i know you don't mean anything bad,❞ taehyung smiled, pecking jeongguk's nose.

❝y-you don't mind that i drool when i sleep and that i don't have a fit body anymore?❞ jeongguk asked, looking up at taehyung.

❝not at all, baby. you're beautiful. absolutely stunning. and i'm so proud of you for working so hard. you always push yourself to be perfect when you already are in my eyes,❞ taehyung mumbled, rubbing his nose against jeongguk's.

❝'m not perfect...❞ jeongguk mumbled, looking down.

❝you are, baby. absolutely perfect. my perfect gem,❞ taehyung grinned, kissing jeongguk softly.

jeongguk kissed back, his hands on taehyung's shoulder. the kiss was soft and loving.

their lips moulded together perfectly, moving ever so softly as if pouring all their love and affection in it.

❝i love you,❞ taehyung mumbled and pecked jeongguk's lips, before pulling away.

❝i love you too,❞ jeongguk giggled, snuggling in taehyung's chest.

it was quiet for a moment as jeongguk played with taehyung's fingers.

❝what if they say such things again taehyungie?❞ jeongguk asked, looking at taehyung with his big, doe eyes.

❝let them be them, let us be us, my angel. take my hand and don't let go.❞


i love you x

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