someday my prince will come

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Part Two of "emeralds and a lost shoe, help me find my way to you"

The following morning, Loki was still wide awake, having not slept at all for the entirety of the night; his mind just wouldn't allow him to, with it being much too busy thinking about you. He was so deep in his thoughts while he held the shoe in front of him, gazing down upon it as if he was studying for an exam. Thor had come out into the living room, where Loki currently sat on one of the couches, and noticed his brother there. There were obvious signs on Loki's features that he had been up all night, fixating on the woman he had shared a dance with at the ball. For starters, the lids around his eyes were dark and heavy, fighting against his brain to stay open, he appeared to be in his own world and his skin was a bit paler than it normally was. "Loki? Is everything alright?' Thor softly questioned, taking a seat down beside his little brother, glancing over at him. Loki perked up and turned to look at Thor, a solemn expression in his eyes. "I wish I knew why she had to leave so quickly and where I could find her," he admitted, staring back down at the shoe in his hand.

It was very apparent that Loki had fallen hopelessly in love with you and Thor felt so happy for his brother, glad that he had found someone he wanted to spend his time with. "So why don't you go search for her brother? I'm sure that she'll be very happy to see you again," Thor suggested, getting Loki's attention once again. His mind began to come up with several ways he could go about it, digging a little deeper to find the right way; the perfect way. A small smile grew on his features as he finally figured out how he was going to go about this, deciding to come to your house and surprise you that way; he was going to sweep you off your feet by the time he was done. "Yes you're right brother, and I know exactly what I need to do," he declared, holding a finger in the air and soon rose up to his feet, walking off almost immediately to go carry out his plans.

He changed his attire from what he had on the previous night, which was a white dress shirt paired with a black vest and pants, to his black suit and using his seidr, he made a lovely and large bouquet of roses appear in his hand, then tracked you down with a quick tracking spell. After he had located you, he picked up the shoe and teleported over to the corner of your street and walked until he reached the front walkway, taking a deep breath in until he felt calm enough to approach the door; though on the inside he was still a bundle of nerves, hoping that this wouldn't be too strange for you and that you'd be happy to see him again. At first, he hesitated a bit to knock, letting his hand hover just barely above the door and then pushed himself to do it, knocking a few times before looking down at his feet. Why was this so difficult for him? It shouldn't have been, all he was doing was returning your shoe and offering you some roses in an attempt to court you.

Loki had thought about running off, thinking that he wouldn't be able to do this and had an internal struggle with that, until you opened the door; making him almost regret not taking his chance when he had it, but at the same time he was glad he didn't let that annoying little voice in his head win. "Hello?" you said curiously, looking at the gorgeous man who stood on your doorstep, and as he glanced up at you, you recognized him immediately; he was the one you danced with last night. He tried to speak but no words could come out, making him feel rather flustered in this situation and as he mentally face palmed himself, he gently cleared his throat in hopes of getting himself under control. 'Damn it Loki, pull yourself together,' he scolded himself, cursing his actions inwardly. "Hello (Y/N), I hope I'm not intruding on you right now, but I wish to carry on from where we left off last night, if you don't mind of course," he explained, a soft expression on his features. You nodded in response, stepping back to grant him access into your home and after closing the door behind you, Loki gazed into your eyes, wanting to spend countless hours getting lost in them. "Oh before I forget, these are for you," he said, offering you the flowers, with you taking them from him and giving them a quick sniff. "Thank you, they're lovely," you smiled softly, lowering the bouquet back down.

You went to put the roses in a vase, motioning for Loki to take a seat on the couch and soon joined him after setting the vase on the table. He held your hand, gently stroking the back of it with his thumb and looked lovingly at you, admiring your beautiful features. "My dear girl, you're so lovely," he rasped, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of it, making you blush hard. A playful smirk grew on the corners of his lips and shortly afterwards he remembered the main reason that had brought him here; your missing shoe. "Oh darling, I believe I have something that is yours," he stated, showing you the lacy black flat and looked deeply into your eyes, shifting forward in his seat, "may I?" he asked, offering to put the shoe on your foot. "Yes of course," you replied, with a soft smile. Loki wasted no time at all to kneel down in front of you, slipping the shoe onto your right foot after you had lifted it up for him; a perfect fit. He remained on the floor, still on one knee and took your hands into his own, looking sincerely into your eyes. "(Y/N), will you please allow me, Prince Loki, to court you and show you the best time of your life?" You couldn't believe that this was happening, and especially with a Prince of Asgard. If you were in a fairy-tale, you didn't want to ever leave. "I'd be honoured to," you smiled, blinking away a few tears and soon felt Loki's lips pressing up against your own in a tender, loving kiss. Never once in your life did you ever think that you'd be so grateful to a shoe and you were certainly glad that you lost it, otherwise you may not have found the love of your life. 

This was most certainly going to be a very happy holiday season indeed and you couldn't wait to spend it with your prince. ♥

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