Let Blind Men See

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I had been blind.
My eyes welded shut
From the endless tears,
From the sleepless nights,
From the pain reverberating in my heart.

It has taken me
Years to learn how to open my eyes.
To learn how to replace the tears with a glimmer of hope.
To learn how to exchange the sleepless nights for nights dreaming of a bright future.
To learn how to heal the pain that once filled my heart.

And let me tell you -
The beauties of this world
That I finally saw
After years spent blind
Nearly blinded me again
Because in all my years
I had never seen such wonders.

The twinkling of the stars.
The vibrant hues of the wildflowers.
The changing leaves of the trees in the fall.
All of these things -
All of these things that had once seemed dull
Now sparkled with hope.
Hope that a broken heart could heal.

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