Episode 8: Lost

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-Empty Room-

???: What I should've done a long time ago dear Y/N.

Y/N cowers into the chair not liking the way her name sounded as it rolled off his lips.

A chill ran down her spine as she heard him shout at some people outside before someone else came into the room.

A bright light shone onto her face making her avoid the gaze of the person entering.

???: Here, let me help you.

The voice sounded like a boy's voice. He put the flashlight down and Y/N waited for her eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room once again.

When she could finally see, she noticed that the boy was around her age but he could've been an immortal so she wouldn't really know how old he really is.

The boy opens up a tube and rubs the ointment onto her freshly burnt hands which were now starting to swell as the skin became soft and was easily peeling.

Surprisingly enough as the boy rubbed the ointment over her hand; it seemed to heal at lighting speed, the burning and scars immediately fading.

Y/N concluded that it was tinker as that was the only thing that could heal wounds so quickly.

Of course she was immortal but the wounds would still take some time to heal.

The boy was about to get up and leave when Y/N stopped him.

Y/N: Wait! What's your name?

The boy hesitates as he stares at Y/N. Deciding that she wouldn't cause him any harm, the boy spoke.

???: Haechan.

Y/N: Haechan, please, you need to help me.

Haechan: I- I'm sorry. I can't.

He stutters and scurries out of the room as if he's afraid of something.

-Palace Courtyard-

Jaemin: Get all of our best guards into the meeting room in five minutes.

The guard he was talking to salutes acknowledging the order as Jaemin hurries off to his room.

After he gets his hologram display, he heads over to the meeting room.

-Meeting Room-

Jaemin: Okay everyone. I've called you all here concerning an issue we had to face 12 years ago.

The entire room is silent as they listen to the prince's explanation.

Jaemin: Y/N has been kidnapped, again, and I have a strong suspicion that it's the same people from last time.

Jaemin takes out his hologram display, a rectangular box which is much like a projector but smaller. He places it on the table and connects the USB to a headset which he puts on as well.

Jaemin: This is what happened this afternoon in the mortal realm.

He closes his eyes and thinks of what he saw happen during the kidnapping.

The hologram projects his thoughts as a screen in the middle of the table and everyone watches it carefully.

Once the projection is over, Jaemin takes off the headset, placing it on the table before taking his seat.

Jaemin: What do you guys think?

Jaehyun: The build looks a lot like the man from 12 years ago, my lord.

The Wrong FutureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant