Episode 9: Torture

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-Outside of Warehouse-

Haechan: But my lord, she has shown no form of rebellion.

Taeyong: That's the point! She isn't reacting the way she's supposed to!

Haechan: But my lord, she has been through a lot already. P-Please have mercy.

Taeyong: I did not let you live so you could defy me! Go do as I say or be ready to meet your fate!

Taeyong's eyes glowed bright with power while Haechan cowered in his presence. He didn't want to do it but he had to, he'd be killed otherwise.

Quietly nodding his head, Haechan made his way to Y/N once again.


Y/N: Haechan! You're here.

Y/N beamed at the one person she felt like she could rely on in this place.

She had come to terms with the fact that Jaemin wasn't going to come anytime soon. It had been three weeks already.

So she decided to survive for as long as she could, try to buy Jaemin more time. She knew that as long as she didn't rebel, she wouldn't see him often and so she tried to be as obedient as possible. 

Her burn marks were getting better, she hadn't felt his wrath in about a week now but that was also gnawing at her, wondering when he'd come up with something to torture her with again.

Haechan walked in, his head held down causing Y/N to look at him with worry.

Silently, Haechan untied the ropes which were keeping her bound to the chair as he helped her up. Y/N was puzzled, she didn't know what was happening and she didn't want to ask either.

Haechan dragged her out of the room where she had been kept for the past weeks into a well-lighted hallway. The light hurt Y/N eyes as she immediately covered her face, letting her eyes adjust.

Y/N: What's happening Haechan? Where're you taking me?

He doesn't reply and simply drags her with him to what seemed like a bathroom.


Y/N noticed there were more people in this room, women to be specific and she looked over at Haechan, her brows furrowed.

Haechan: Take a bath; you have somewhere to go after this.

With that he left her, closing the door behind him as the women in the room started to come closer to her.

They began to undress her as she protested feeling like something was awfully off but she was no match. She was weak as it is and there were three of them.

Soon enough the women had her bathed and dressed her in a gown she knew was expensive.

The fabric and design told her that much but she was still clueless on why this was happening to her.

They also applied tinker all over her body which made her even more worried for what was to come. All her scars were gone now as the dress she wore showed a bit too much skin for her comfort.

Y/N: Please, you have to stop. I don't belong here, you don't understand!

Y/N begged the women but they didn't hear a single one of her cries.

Once they were done applying her makeup, they took her out of the room over to Haechan once again.


The Wrong FutureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon