Chapter 2: A Whole New World And A Whole New Feeling

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As the group of three treaded down the cliff side and into town, Varian couldn't help but ask loads of questions while running off to check out new sights. Rapunzel and Cassandra had quite the difficult time trying to keep the spastic boy in check. It was to the point where they bought him a huge lollipop in exchange for him not running around and pointing at people like a lunatic. The traveling assemble of prosthetics continued on their merry way, not really giving a damn about the disapproving looks thrown their way from the upperclass folks. They eventually made it to a dangerous area. A crappy neighbourhood with smugglers, prostitutes, and other lovely people of the sort. Rapunzel stopped them in front of a tall, dirty building. She smiled joyously, showing off her silver canine while digging into her satchel's pocket.

"All right, welcome to my home!" She cheers, unlocking the front door while leading the way up the dirty stairs.

Varian looked around in disgust. He'd never been somewhere so dirty before. But to be fair, he's never really been anywhere before until now. He followed Cassandra and Rapunzel closely, his cuckoo turning and twisting in fear. Then, a short, pudgy woman opens her door, scaring the ever living hell out of Varian, whose cuckoo blared. The little bird popped out of the double doors of his heart, making the old lady scoff.

"What in the world is all that noise?"

"Hello, Old Lady–I mean, Miss Crowley, we were just heading up to my apartment for some sweets. Maybe you could join us!" Rapunzel says excitedly, clapping her hands in enthusiasm.

Miss Crowley squints her eyes at the blonde before slamming the door on her face. Cassandra and Varian both jump back in surprise from how rudely that neighbor was acting.

"Geez. What crawled up her ass and died?" Cassandra enquiries, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Rapunzel frowns in disappointment, but nevertheless, continues to walk up the third floor of the building.

"Here we are! My humble abode."

She gestures to the door of her home only getting back a silent stare from her guests. She grunts a little from their underwhelming reaction.

"Well, a little compliment would've been welcomed."

She unlocks the door and walks in with the two following her. The inside was a beautiful array of colors that really contrasted with the outside of the grey and dark hallway. It looked as though Varian had walked into a magical wonderland.

"Wow ..." Varian breathes out, running his hands over the pretty paintings on the wall.

Rapunzel smirked proudly from how impressed the thirteen-year-old was.

"You like it?"

Varian nodded in response.

"They're really good."

"My friend's daughter and I have been working it for a whole month now. It was her idea to design the walls in the first place."

Varian tilts his head up to Rapunzel in question.

"Is she ... the girl I'm going to meet?"


"Well, where is she?"

"She's still at school, but she should be home any minute now, so don't fret, little one."

Rapunzel ushers Varian to the couch while running around the kitchen to bake something. Varian sits down, tapping his foot in anticipation. Unbeknownst to him, a little green chameleon crawls up his shoulder, shooting its tongue into his ear. Varian screams in fear, jumping up to his feet, and knocking the chameleon off of him. Cassandra laughs at Varian, walking over to him and picking up the reptile from the ground. Varian stared wide-eyed at the animal, rubbing his ear out.

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