Chapter 3: All I See Are Stars

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Varian and [F/N] laugh in joy, skidding around people walking on the sidewalk and jumping over animals walking the streets. They managed to make it back uptown, hearing Rapunzel and Cassandra yelling for them. Varian's heart spun ecstatically. He never knew he could feel this much excitement and freedom, especially with this mysterious shooting star guiding the way. [F/N] pulls him into a narrow path resting tightly between two other buildings. Cassandra and Rapunzel run past it, thinking the kids kept running forward. The said-children exchange goofy smirks, now being able to just walk.

"Wow. I've never had that much in my life!" Varian shouts.

[F/N] snickers under her breath, putting a finger to Varian's lips. "You have to be a little quieter. We don't want Cass and Raps hearing us. Or the whole city, at that."

Varian grins at her, his cuckoo popping out once again. He gulps nervously, patting his chest. He fake coughs in hopes that she'd mistake his cuckoo for that.

"Pardon me."

"You've been pardoned," [F/N] retorts, continuing to walk down the path until they eventually reached the town square. Varian looks around with her.

"Whoa ... is this the town square?"

[F/N] glances around, gasping when she finds a lonesome barrel organ next to a large water fountain.

"Would you look at that!" She says, running down the mini stairs and over to the instrument.

Varian hastily follows her, almost tripping over himself.

"What? What is it?"

"A barrel organ. I wonder who owns it."

"I don't know. But maybe we shouldn't mess with it."

"Oh, I'm sure the owner won't mind," [F/N] dismisses, turning the wheel slowly.

A nice tune came out laggardly. She sped up the wheel, feeling satisfied with the pace. She then started to sing.

" My vision's not quite,
but glasses make look a sight.
Enough to give the world a fright like a sprite
wearing specs."

Varian listens to her sing in awe. He already liked the sound of her talking voice, but her singing was like an angel's. His own voice worked on his own before he could even comprehend what he was doing.

" Oh, fiery little sprite, conflagration in the night.
Don't play games with your sight.
It will leave you in the dark."

[F/N] smiled at him, resting her hand on her hip while tapping her foot to the beat.

" I prefer life all a blur.
I forget to wear my glasses.
When I sing,
I share caresses.
It feels good to close my eyes."

" Oh,
my pretty arsonist,
let me clasp you close to me.
Rip your clothes with my teeth and tear them into confetti.
To scatter as we kiss."

[F/N] giggles lightheartedly, questioning, "Confetti?"

Varian chuckles sheepishly, dancing around her a bit.

" On you and me."

" All I see are stars suddenly some days.
My eyes lead me astray far way down the street.
Until I can't bear to steal a glance at the sun,
or even look at the sky straight in the eye."

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