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~One year later~

The celebration of the return of the King. It was a ball in London, where all nobles and royalty were invited. Campbells together with Constantions, King with his sister. Amongst guests from whole Europe Mustafa, who entered to the huge hall of palace with company of his loyal guards. His name echoed in the hall as his arrival was announced and of course that his name caught attention of every single person.

"Mustafa, Your Highness, welcome! I am so glad, that you made it here!" King and Princess were the first to greet and welcome him. Both with bright smiles, both with honest enthusiasm and joy welcomed him in their land and capital city.

"King George," he nodded in formality with a wide smile. "Princess. Thank you for the invitation and warm welcome to your house." He smiled back to them. The capital city was beautiful as Scotland. Different surely, but with her own beauty. "I'm glad to see you well after your return, my friend. Thank you, for what you did for me."

"It was an honour to fight by your side," King smiled at him and went to accompany him to his table, where they sat down and spoke to each other.

"How was your journey, Your Highness? How's your land, slowly trying to recover from war, I guess?" Mary Elizabeth questioned.

"How was your journey, Your Highness? How's your land, slowly trying to recover from war, I guess?" Mary Elizabeth questioned

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"It was quite pleasant, Your Majesty," Mustafa answered with quite relief in his voice. "With the help of the King my land is safe now. Surely we need time to heal after these dark days, but I'm optimist and I'm sure everything slowly will turn back to normal."

Meanwhile Marion was walking toward chambers, already dressed up. She went to find Marie, who was occupied with kids in chambers of palace, where Princess accomodated their family. Nannies helping both women with their children. Twins almost one year old, little Alfie running forth and back across the room. Marion entered and her son ran to her arms. "Mom! Mom!"

"My goodness, how come he is not sleeping yet?" Marion shook her head and chuckled seeing despair in Evie's face, who as always stood as a protector of Campbell's women and she stayed in family, taking place after fallen knight.

Marie was holding little Nasia, who just fell asleep during feeding in her arms. Twins didn't mind little Alfie's cheerful noises, on the contrary, it helped them to fall asleep. "He's unstoppable!" She giggled, putting little Nasia to bed and kissed her cheek. "Are you happy, Alfie, that you have all these girls around to watch after you?" She came to them and smiled softly to Marion. "You look devine, my lovely."

"Thank you, my dear," Marion smiled and Alfie stretched his arms toward her and giggled as Marie took him in her arms and nuzzled her nose against his. "Now, let's take you to other room, you little beast," Marion took her son to her arms. "My dear Marie, Mustafa arrived, I'll take care of Alfie, go change your clothes and we can go," she kissed her cousin's cheek and left with Alfie to other room with nan, while maids help Marie to change into her dress. Marion came back in a while, shaking head and Alfie's voice echoed in other room. "Evie will have long night. Oh, goodness look at you," she sighed in awe. "You're ravishing, Marie."

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