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     School, a place of hell and annoying people. I can't help but wonder why I'm in a school with a bunch of obnoxious idiots.

I missed my dad. I missed his sarcastic jokes and insults and his music.

Oh, it's not like he's dead or anything, he and my mom were oversees for business. Volunteer work and stuff.

Anyway, I was never really into team sports like baseball or volleyball, but I loved ice skating because of my mom. However, after the knee injury I endured, I gave up on it out of fear. I still skate, but not competitively.

     My real love is music, something I received from my dad. Playing and learning new instruments. I played many instruments, and I usually practice after school. I love piano and violin especially. If you learn how to read piano music you can pretty much read everything else. It kind of like a solid foundation.

     A few minutes after the bell rang, Hinata burst through the class door looking slightly panicked. Kageyama looked pissed as he came through after, scaring the absolute shit out of my classmates. Me a little bit as well.

     Hinata leaped over the desks and hid behind me like a scared little child. I knew he was kinda wary of the black haired boy, but this was just ridiculous.

     "Why is he mad?" I asked unimpressed.

     "I-I spiked the ball earlier at lunch and it hit Kageyama's face and I panicked and ran to hide as class started but now that class ended he was waiting for me to kill me help me [Name]!!" He clutched the hem of my blouse and I sighed.

I glared right back at him and put my hand out to warn him not to come any closer, to which he heeded.

     "Calm down Kageyama, remember he needs to be alive and well in order to touch you sets," I crossed my arms as he thought for a moment then scowled.

     "Shit, you're right." Hinata took a deep breath as he stood up with a smile.

     "Thank you [Nam-" Kageyama hit the back of his head before scolding him.

     "Be careful and aim next time you dumbass!" An amused smirk graced my face as I finished packing up and walked out the door, only for those two to chase me down.

     "[Name]! We're playing Nekoma today! Do wanna come?!" Hinata asked, bouncing off the walls full of energy. I raised a brow before nodding.

     "Sure. Practice match right?" Kageyama nodded. "Alright I'll be there. Tell Kiyoko I'll be late though."


     "I gotta practice too. A competition is coming up in a few months." I waved them bye as they stared at me confused. I never told them what I practically do for a living, I haven't told anyone just for the sake of someone close to me coming to my performances; not that I don't want them too I just have a really peculiar anxiety.

They assume I'm in some sport like soccer or softball, but I told them it wasn't school funded. They even tried following me a couple of times. They're really bad at being discreet.

     I love their curiosity, but I need to focus on me and my music. That's what I want to do with my life, and plus I was stressed out too. Music always calms me down. I mean, it's like a drug addiction—wait no, more like, wearing shoes. I can live without them, but it makes life a whole lot easier when the ground gets rocky.

     I went into the music room, which was abandoned since the club unfortunately disbanded, but I asked the principal to let me use it for practice and he agreed surprisingly without much persuasion.

I pulled away the curtains to the gym where the match was being held at and raised the window for some air. I didn't mind people hearing me play, I just didn't want them to see me play. It's a lot less embarrassing when people don't know who you are.

     I didn't even notice the people outside when I started playing my violin. I danced to the music as I swayed in delight. I've always liked moving when ever I played my instruments. I just can't sit still when doing something I love.

     It was a happy yet graceful song. It was the one my dad used to play all the time when he warmed up.

     Then I heard a shout. It was Hinata, I realized, and pretty much bolted to the window on instinct, abandoning what I was doing beforehand. Hinata was like a little brother and always got on Kageyama's bad side, so I cared about him a lot and would go to war for him, but when I realized he was just happily screaming in excitement for the match I calmed down.

     I didn't know there was a pair of hazel eyes peering up at me.

I've been in love with this series and Nishinoya is my favorite. This is just a fun fanfic I decided to do so don't judge me for my grammar.

Everyone in Haikyu is my dorky son so fite me.

Comment what you think!!

Published December 9, 2019 (I think)

Edited December 17, 2022

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