Websites For Writers!

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Writers struggle only all the time and we all need a little helping hand sometimes when it comes to creating a new story or writing your current story. Here are some websites I have found extremely helpful to my writing process! - This website is absolutely the best! It helps with everything on story building, world building, character developing - you name it! Can be a bit confusing to navigate around at first but fairly easy to get the hang of. If you are currently creating a new story then I suggest you give it a gander!

Describing - I absolutely LOVE this website! Need help describing something but can't think of the words? How would you describe this thing? This idea? This emotion? This object?

How would you describe someone's voice? A kiss? The moon? Silence? The city? Magic? Happiness? Sadness?

Type in a noun in the search bar and easily get TONS of adjectives to describe it! Sort them by frequency usage or by uniqueness!

Plot - If you literally cannot think of anything to write, this website will help! It can be a poem or a movie script or a story! Even choose a genre and they will help create a plot! Click on one and fill out the info of your characters, adjectives, and more to get an accurate plot line for your story!

Grammarly/ - Do you love to write but hate editing? This website will take your writing drafts and edit them! It will highlight words to help you find spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and even suggest stronger alternative words to weak words in your works! This is the kind of website your English teacher would approve of! - This organized search engine of words has never disappointed me! I use this incredible website every time I write. It lists synonyms for words from strongest synonyms to weakest synonyms and organizes them in categories of different definitions of words.

If any of you out there have any other amazing writer websites out there that you think would help with others, please feel free to leave them in the comments!

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