Inside the House

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We were inside the gates. I looked back at the gate we had just entered. My heart stopped. It had grown about 5 meters and had spikes on the end, so that even if you had the courage and strength to climb up it, you would not be able to get past the spikes. I gulped and turned around, nearly smashing into Mandy. 

"Mandy! Mandy!" I cried, "The gate has grown about 5 meters! How are we going to get out?"

"A sacrifice," a voice boomed from inside the house.

Mandy turned to the house, shocked. "What was that?!" she exclaimed in horror. Suddenly she didn't look so eager to go inside the house anymore. 

For a moment I wondered whether this was all an act, as if she were testing out a "vulnerable act" to see if it would work on my brother. I imagined her with my brother at lunch, sitting next to him. I imagined my brother ignoring me, giving all his love for me to Mandy. I imagined Mandy saying to me, "You're nothing without your brother."

I snapped out of my daydream. Of course Mandy would never betray me; she was my best friend of nearly 10 years. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I turned to the voice.

"Who's there?" I yelled.

Mandy and I silently tiptoed towards the house, holding our breaths anxiously. I creaked the door open, my heart racing. Then we saw it. The source of the voice. Snow White's Evil Queen's companion. 

The Magic Mirror.

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