The Silence

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For the next few hours, we just sat there, silent and guilty. Or at least, I was feeling guilty. Tension hung in the air; saying nothing and everything at the same time. Neither one of us spoke, but we could both hear each other's thoughts.   "Mandy I - " I started to say.                        "Don't - speak to me!" she snapped, "you know that I would never betray  you - neither would your brother! You are a clingy, unstable child who can't even handle sharing the love of your brother!" That shut me up. Tears welled up in my eyes once more; the silence returned with a thicker coating of tension. Another hour passed and I was beginning to feel queasy with guilt.  

"I know that I hurt you - " I started.      "You more than hurt me!" she snapped.      "I know, I know." I said softy, my heart breaking all over again, "I never meant to hurt you, just to stop myself from getting hurt. You're my best friend - I didn't want to lose you to my brother. I didn't want to lose my brother either. I didn't want to be the third wheel!"                                  "You would never be the third wheel, " Mandy said, her voice cracking, "you are the bridge between us. You always have been and always will be. You are like my family. At least you were. Until now."

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