The Mirror

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Mandy and I gasped when we saw the mirror hanging on the wall, the frame rusted and the glass cracked. It had seen better days.

"I know, I know, " the mirror sighed, rolling his eyes, "I'm more than a little bit out of shape..."

Mandy was petrified, frozen to the spot. "Who... WHAT are you? Are you real? Am I dreaming? Am I unconscious? Oh god, am I mentally ill? LEAH HELP ME!" Mandy was delirious at this point. I attempted to soothe her by rubbing her back consolingly.

The mirror rolled his eyes again - it was starting to get annoying - and said to me, "After your little friend has calmed down, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mirron. I am the magic Mirror from Snow White. I know what your questions probably are so I'll answer them now. Yes, I can see everything in this dimension. No, you don't have to rhyme to get me to show you anything. Yes, the Evil Queen was my former master. Anymore questions?"

I just gaped at him. It was a lot of information for me to digest. How did my day go so horribly wrong? All I wanted was to get out of here. Mandy, however, had other ideas.

"Answer me this, Mirron: what is my mom doing right now?" Mandy demanded.

Mirron's face faded away and revealed a small flat in Brooklyn. Inside, Mandy's mom was doing the dishes. Suddenly, Mirron's face reappeared.

"Satisfied, Princess?" he deadpanned.

Mandy quickly nodded, afraid of angering the magical being. Then Mirron reached out of the mirror and pulled us inside. Our adventure was just getting started.

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