CHAPTER 17: Perfect Timing....NOT

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For the next couple of weeks things seemed to have gotten a lot better in my life and I haven't once felt like hurting myself. In fact, I have even told everyone in the support group about Ryker and with how things are going along with mentioning to my aunt and uncle about things.

Ryker and I were hanging out at my place and since it was raining, I suggested we stayed inside and watch some movies and relax.

So while sitting on the couch watching a movie while cuddling on the couch, we heard a knock on the door.

We sit up and look at each other wondering who it was. Then as soon as I got to the door and before looking through the peep hole to see who it was, I heard my mother's voice.

"Sweetie, it's your mom." She says.

What the hell is she doing here?!? And who is with her?

"Mom! And person I don't know." I look at her and the man standing next to her with a big smile who looks to be a little older than her. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to see you of course. Besides, Aunt Tilly and Uncle Martin told us how great you were doing and we wanted to..." She says but I finish her sentence for her.

"Check up on me to make sure they weren't lies." I tell her.

"Sweetie, please. Let's for once not greet each other with such hostility." My mom comments.

"I will when you stop treating me like I'm a mental patient and not your daughter." I tell her.

"Meadow...." My mom starts but the man interrupts.

"Hello, I'm Roger. Your mother has told me so much about you." He smiles as he holds out his hand.

"Hi Roger. I'm her mental daughter and never have heard a word about you." I say and before I had a chance to finish I noticed them come inside.

"And who is this, speaking of ones we have never heard about?" My mom asks as she looks at Ryker.

"This is Ryker." I start introducing him.

"I'm her boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ryker greets my mom and the man while he holds out his hand and smiles.

"You as well." My mom says.

"So why are you guys here?" I ask them.

"I told you." My mom turns to look at me.

"No, I mean, the REAL reason you came." I tell her.

"We were on our way to some place and our plane landed here so we decided to take a later flight tonight and drop by to say hi." My mom explains.

"Well, I'm doing fine. As Aunt Tilly and Uncle Martin told you already. So, there's no need for you to stay." I tell them.

"Why are you acting this way?" My mom asks.

"What? Like someone that has learned how to be confident and to stand up for herself? I know you're used to me being so weak and all but things have changed. I have changed." I tell her.

The room becomes silent as I wait for them to walk out the door and the air fills with so much awkwardness.

"Why don't we all have dinner together and..." My mom began to suggest but I stopped her.

"Please. Don't do this to me." I say under my breath.

"What are you talking about? My god, clearly you have an assumption of me being some kind of a monster and maybe you're upset that I had you come here but..." My mom started rambling on.

"I know. I was too much for you to deal with and this was less expensive then a mental institute." I glare at her and cross my arms over my chest.

"That's not why you're here. I just, I didn't know what else to do. I had tried everything  but you and I were never as close as you and your father. You wouldn't ever let me get a chance to be close after your father died. But you forget I had lost someone too." She states.

"You could have asked me or have done more. The reason I was more close to dad was because he listened and truly cared. Never pawned me off to others to deal with me. He actually TRIED." I interrupted her. "You were always good at letting others take care of me whenever things happened or I was dealing with something when all you ever had to do was ask and or listen. I mean if you didn't want a kid then why did you have one?" I snapped at her.

I started fighting back tears that were building in my eyes.

"Alright, maybe we should go." Roger says.

"Maybe you both should. I wish you both the best." I tell them.

"Now you just wait a minute." My mom scowls. "I am your mother and you WILL show me respect. I have given you everything. Your father was the failure, NOT me. He's the one who couldn't find a decent job to support us both yet he wanted a family.''

"You are such a bitch! How dare you talk about him like he's a piece of shit! YOU'RE the piece of shit! You took advantage. You flirted with other guys and although I didn't know what you were doing at the time since I was just a little girl, remembering now, I can see you were the one that was ungrateful." I tell her with disgust.

She walks up to me and slaps me really hard. Roger immediately holds her back and Ryker holds me back as I'm about to punch the shit out of her.

"Get out." I tell her with anger and tears in my eyes.

Before she walks out though, she tells me one last thing.

"You really are an ungrateful little cunt. Because of you your father had no time for me. You were wrapped around his finger since the day you were born and pushed me aside. Now that I know what you've turned out to be like, I wish I had never had you." She tells me then smirks before they both leave.

I could no longer fight back the angry tears I let fall. Her words stabbed me deep into my chest and without Ryker standing there to hold me, I would have fallen to my knees.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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