Before We Begin

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Hello! Finally after months of writing this thing is finally ready to begin! I am so happy that so many people are hyped for this!!

Below are the Twitter @ 's of people who got involved in this shit show. There were about 60 submissions for banditosonas (unfortunately I couldn't get everybody in for obvious reasons) a few submissions for citizensonas, it was crazy. Absolutely bonkers. And I thank every single one of you who have supported the story and who have supported me through this so far because the first two chapters sucked the absolute life out of me you have no idea lol.

But for the mean time, please enjoy what's there so far and look out for future updates to the already existing chapters because dear lord is there a lot of detail I missed out on.

And now, the credits (so far)

Cover artist - rabxtapes

(Bandito-Sonas, Citizensonas, Watchersonas etc etc will be added as they appear. I'd like them to be a surprise for those who submitted, and for those who I think deserve a cool role.)

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