Chapter 1 - A Baby Is Born In The Walls Of Dema

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One will rise

On the first of December, 1988 a small baby is born in the walls of Dema. His mother and father stare at him in absolute adoration, making sure every second with him is special, because he and the other baby's born today will be taken away by the order of the city's leaders, the Ten Bishops of Bourbaki's City.

The father crouches down to where the mother lays, looking at her and his son. "I'm sure he'll grow up to be a very, very special boy."

The mother nods, afraid to take her eyes off of her son in fear that it'll be the last time he sees him. They'll be here to take him away soon, and though she knows that it's simply the Dema way, a small part of her feels a sense of... she isn't sure what it is. It feels like boiling water. All she knows is that it doesn't feel good. So she pushed it aside.

"What do you think his name would have been?" The mother smiled sadly, brushing the baby's brown hair of his brown eyes. "I don't know... But we can't really talk about that. You know that he'll just be given a code." The father returned the smile, his chest tightening as he saw his son reach out to grab his finger. He stuck his pointed finger out, the baby grabbing it as his big brown eyes looked up at the father in a sort of curiosity. "Hey there little guy, I'm your Dad!" The father laughed, a different smile on his face when his son smiled back.

"He has your smile you know," the mother said absentmindedly, stroking the baby's hair. "And your hair." The father nodded. He could kind of see it.

Then, the door opened. Inside stepped 2 men, both wearing all black and a red mask that fit their faces. The men stride into the room completely synchronized, not speaking as they entered. Not a hello, a congrats for the baby. Nothing. The parents frown. The time has finally come.

"CJ4319. KJ7654. Your son." That's all they said before taking the boy from the mother's hands. "Please, just a few more minutes! I'm sure the Bishops wouldn't be angry at five more minutes!" The mother pleaded, shooting up from her bed with a wince. She was still sore from birth.

"Honey..." "No! Please, I'm begging of you! I just want to say good bye!" The mother looked at the masked men with an indescribable look in her eye. It was a look only a terrified mother could give.

"I'm sorry KJ7654, it's just standard procedure." One of the men spoke as if he were smiling. The father felt sick. He knew that this was the Dema way, and that it was what's best for the city but he can't help but feel something terrible in his gut.

The two parent stayed put, helplessly watching as their baby was taken away.

One will fall.

As the men exit the room, church bells ring loudly. "No..." One whispers in shock. Behind the mask the others eyes widen.

"But if he's dead then-"

"But they said his eyes would be much different."

"But the oracles aren't always correct."

The two men bickered as they shot out of the door, leaving the parents to wonder what they might have done had they been able to keep their baby boy just a few seconds longer.


Well a few months, several drafts and a few glasses of blood, sweat and tears later and I finally have the first chapter written!

You have no idea how long I've been procrastinating on this like jeez dude.

But it's finally here! I can't wait for this to finally kick off!!

Thank you all so much for being so patient, and look out for the Banditosonas you all posted, because they'll be showing up later chapters!

And Watchers, I didn't forget about you xx!

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