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Started out like in the movies
But it ended like a bad dream
Curtain opened, heard the crowd roar
This one’s a repeat, seen it before

-Heartache On The Big Screen by Seconds of Summer

From across the crowded room, I make eye contact with Craig.  I actually heard him before I saw him.  He sends me a weird wave and I give him an unconvincing smile/wave.

"Well that was awkward."  Mark says coming up to me.  Obviously he saw the odd exchange between Craig and I.

"We’re trying to be friends."  I tell Mark, but he already knows this.  He knows all about my relationship with Craig.

Craig and I dated for nearly two years.  It was the perfect relationship by my definition.  He’s crazy and funny, everything I ever wanted.  We rarely ever fought.  People always assumed we were just best friends because we got along so well.  Unfortunately, our world fell apart suddenly.  He visited me at school one weekend and fought the whole time.  The weekend ended with me giving him all his stuff back.  The break up was a month ago and now we’re trying to be cool about it.

"You can’t be just friends with Craig, y/n."  Mark says, actually laughing at my comment.  I take slight offense to this.

"Everyone has always said we were more like best friends than lovers anyways."  

"Oh please.  You two are the the most subtle, madly in love people I have ever seen.  I have never seen two people more aware of one another.  Everything you guys did was for each other.  Like how Craig would have your coffee waiting for you before you even got up, knowing how happy it’d make you.  Or how you would rub Craig’s back whenever he was upset, because you knew it would calm him down."  Mark explains.  

"Yeah those are nice, friendly things to do.  They’re not lovey dovey." I try telling Mark.  I don’t know why I’m trying to disprove his point.  I was in love with Craig.  I think I’m just trying to convince myself that Craig and I are better off friends.

"Oh come on, y/n.  I saw how you and Craig would always kiss each other when you thought nobody was looking.  Or how you always, and I mean always, held hands.  You two were constantly touching."  Dammit.  Mark is completely right, but he is only making this harder.  

"Ok ok I get it.  We loved each other, but it is what it is.  It’s done, Mark."  I say to Mark rather harshly.  I walk away from him only to bump right into Craig.

"Hey."  I say awkwardly.

"Hi.  I brought you something.  I made you a s’more outside.  Double chocolate and marshmallow…just how you like ‘em."  Craig says handing me the s’more on a napkin.  I take a massive bite of my treat.  I somehow manage to get marshmallow on my cheek and Craig gently rubs it off my face.

"Thanks, Craig."

"Anything for you, y’n." 

It’s the little things like this that make me wish we could start all over again.

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