Lesson Learned

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“I suck.”  I say as I lie sprawled out  in the snow.  Craig smiles and holds his arm out towards me.

“You do not suck.”  Craig replies as he helps me off the ground.

“I suck.”  I repeat.  I brush the snow off my butt and end up falling again.  “See!  I can’t even stand up without falling!  I suck!”

“You do not suck, y/n.  You’re learning.  You’ll figure it out in no time.”  Craig says encouragingly as he helps me up again.  “I mean I still fall all the fucking time.  Falling is a part of snowboarding.  Don’t worry about it.”

“But you at least you can stand up without falling flat on your ass.”  I counter.  This makes Craig smile.

“Here, let me help you.  Okay, take my hands.”  Craig orders.  He moves closer to me so that we’re standing side by side.  I hold his hands to keep myself balanced.  “Just hold my hands and I won’t let you fall.”

“Okay.”  I say nervously.  I keep a tight grip on Craig as we begin heading down the slope.  My legs are a bit shaky from the nerves, but Craig keeps his word.  He keeps me balanced and standing the entire way down the hill.

“WE DID IT!”  I cheer once we reach the bottom.  I throw my arms around Craig without thinking.

“YOU DID IT!”  Craig chants as he hugs me back.

“Thank you so much, Craig!”  I say as I continue to celebrate my mini victory. 

“No problem!  You did amazing!”  Craig replies.  We’re still hugging, which is kind of weird.  I awkwardly separate from him.

“Really though.  Thank you for teaching me last minute.”  I say to relieve the awkward tension.

“That’s what friends are for, right?”  Craig answers as he lifts his goggles off his face.

“Right.”  I say with a smile.

“It’s a bummer that Max couldn’t make it.” Craig says.  I had forgotten about Max ditching me.  My boyfriend promised to give me a snowboarding lesson, but of course he bailed at the last second.  Luckily, Craig was here and willing to teach me.

“Yeah he’s just been super busy lately.”  I say in an attempt to defend my flakey boyfriend. 

“Yeah I bet.”  Craig says. 

“Well thanks again, Craig.”  I say as I move in to give Craig one last hug.  As soon as I wrap one arm around him, I feel myself lose balance.  I try gripping onto Craig for support, but I take him down with me.  We both burst out laughing as we lie on the cold, snowy ground. 

“This is how you thank me?  You push me into the snow?”  Craig says with a laugh as he playfully throws a snowball at me. 

“Hey now!  I didn’t mean to!”  I reply as I throw as snowball at him in revenge.

“Throw snow at me one more time and I’ll get you!”  Craig threatens with a smile.  With a smirk, I throw another snowball at him.  “Now you’re gonna get it, y/n!”

Craig then playfully tackles me into the snow.  I can’t stop laughing as Craig lies almost on top of me.

“I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!”  I manage to say through my laughs. 

“You don’t seem very sorry!”  Craig says.

“I am! I promise!  Please forgive me!”  I jokingly plead.  Craig just smiles and then kisses me.  I kiss him back for a moment until I realize what I’m doing.

“Sorry!”  Craig says as he gets up from on top of me.

“I have a boyfriend.”  I say instantly.

“I know.”  Craig replies.

“I gotta go.”  I tell him. 

“Okay.” Craig answers.  I need to get away from him as fast as possible.

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