Planned Coincidences

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Planned Coincidences- 6

It was strange, that Richard who had near violent and vehement reactions to women presented to him by either Michael or his mother was vague on this new French belle. He expressed as much.

His friend, the king, looked up from the pile of papers that encompassed his oak table, his eyes sang near madness. "Perhaps I'm weary, Williams, perhaps I'm exhausted from these court games we play." 

"Richard-" the king picked up another paper and waved his free hand at him. "Go, now Williams. I know and I don't want to hear it. It is my duty, my cross to bear."

And Williams feared that the cross was getting too heavy for the young king to carry. He had to do what he could to lighten that burden even the slightest. He decided to seek the French girl out. Since there was yet to be an entrance ball-the king was yet to approve it-Williams had wondered if it was a ploy to drive the belle crazy, but instead hold a welcoming party for John instead. He wondered how the French noble was taking the news. Well, there was only one way to find out.


Since her entrance ball was taking its grand time, she could not officially start her lessons with the queen and the damned woman despised her enough to let her languish in bland madness without inviting her to the Queen's court. Perhaps she would be a bit infectious and invite herself, no one in this court seemed to care what she did.

The soft breeze ruffled the garden lightly, Amanda plucked a stem of the beautiful red rose with a bit of malice and pricked her finger. She sighed and squeezed.

"I can tell you imagine someone's neck instead of the poor rose."

Amanda opened her fingers, startled at the disturbance of the silence she previously courted, and the rose fell out. The man picked it up and straightened. Francios should work closely with the guards in France, he was apt with his descriptions, he was one of the King's friends; the King's guard dog, her brother had mentioned. Alas, they meet.

"My lord!" she called in a breathless gasp. "You startled me. Forgive me, allow me to introduce myself. I am-"

"Lady Amanda Harcourt." the man replied shortly. "I know who you are." he cocked his head. "And I think you know who I am."

She bit her tongue. "Please, introduce yourself."

"Lord of Oxford. At your service." he gave an imitation of a bow, his eyes not leaving her face. "Shall we walk?"

An order, not a request, but she was the disadvantaged one, so she complied. Perhaps down the line, the tables would turn. Amanda turned her brain, flitting through many topics to hinge a discussion on and discarding just as many. There was a biting edge around this man she was yet to understand. He suddenly let out a short laugh that almost made her jump, the sound silencing the peaceful lull of nature.

"You must be wondering why I've come to find you."

"Well, it is only natural. As you are under the King's command, perhaps-"

"That is not the case, I assure you." he said, shaking his hair slightly. There was something ancient about this man, something calm and precise, something levelheaded and clear eyed. Something brutally honest that made her teeth clam in discomfort.

"You are from France," he said simply.

It fell out of her mouth, really. "What?"

The earl glanced at her, the air somehow getting chilly. "You are French. You must know, your court must know of the tension that lies between the King and his mother, your kin."

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