The Secret of Tanencha sy Tyrin

40 3 14

Tyrhonus sy Tyrin marched through the halls of Tyrannicus Palace, the place he, like the rest of his family, called home. He looked like he was on a mission, which he most undoubtedly was. He scanned both sides of the hallway, looking for the door he needed to enter.

It was no secret when Tyrhonus was angry, and this was no exception. His heavy footsteps and narrow eyes were enough indication he was mad, but his iron grip on his pistol was even more indication that it was best to avoid Tyrhonus.

Eventually he arrived at the blue door he was looking for. As he swiped his hand over the recognition panel, it flashed red. He growled in frustration and tried again. Letting out an inhuman roar, he kicked the panel, which broke apart into a thousand bits of metal. Tyrhonus proceeded to kick the door in until it collapsed to the ground, allowing him to enter.

He made an educated guess that his goal lay behind the center door. He walked up to the door, which slid open as he approached. Sure enough, Tyrhonus was correct.

Tanencha sy Tyrin sat at her desk, engrossed in whatever she was working on. Her long navy hair was tied up in a ponytail and her pale blue skin shone under the faint light emitted from the walls of her room. The second the door opened, Tanencha slammed her glass tablet against the desk, immediately shattering it. She whipped around to face her brother, a sneer evident on her face.

"What do you want, brother?" she spat out at Tyrhonus.

"You've been doing it again," he accused, pulling his laser pistol from his belt. He aimed it at his sister's face, taking a few steps closer to her.

"No, Tyrhonus. You're acting so impulsively again. Mind your own business."

"Why else would you shatter the tablet? Unless it contained pamphlets on your various 'inventions.' Nobody in this entire palace condones your actions, least of all me. And I am your king."

Tanencha scoffed. "Really? Just because you have some lame crown, you think you can confine me to your ideal princess. You rule like a monster, inflicting tyranny on all the peasants, eating us out of home, and blowing all the funds on unnecessary wars with other planets. I can think what I want and no one is going to stop me."

"Really? So once the citizens find out you are the one providing blueprints for the torture methods in the dungeons, they'll fall in love with you?"

"And once the citizens find out you charge them needlessly high taxes, they'll rejoice in you?"

The two stared in intense silence, their eyes speaking for them. Tyrhonus kept his pistol raised at his sister, his finger positioned to shoot at any threat.

As he watched, Tanencha reached slowly across the table. Her fingers closed around a particularly sharp piece of glass that once was part of her tablet. Tyrhonus took a step towards Tanencha, sending the threat. But before he could shoot, the door to the room burst open. A man with a gun stepped forward, eyes narrowed at the both of them.

"Rychek," Tanencha growled.

"You two need to stop fighting. If you don't figure out how to rule the planet, you'll be the face everyone remembers for destroying everything we have. Now it's time for Tyrhonus' speech, so let's go," Rychek gy Roshin snarled. He grabbed Tyrhonus' hand and pulled him from the room.

He struggled to free himself from Rychek's grasp, but being a member of the elite military royal guard, he had the strength of a small dragon. Eventually, Tyrhonus decided it best to leave Tanencha alone and to instead focus on his royal duties as he was supposed to. It was just that Tanencha had a way of distracting him. When he needed to focus most, he found Tanencha in the darkest corners of the palace, building some sort of machine to torture her prisoners or writing a pamphlet to propagate her radical ideas.

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