In Ruin

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I fell to my knees, the warm liquid running down my face and soaking into my shite shirt. The pain was immeasurable, and I rocked slightly back and forth on my knees, hoping to bring myself any sort of comfort. It was an early death, a premature sense of doom. My life force itself had been ripped from my hands and splattered on the ground. It was just another stain on the city pavement that disgusted pedestrians avoided with a look of repugnance.

I was ruined. How was I to make it by without that that gave me my power. My medication to numb the lethargy was removed from my being. I attempted to regain any sense of composure, but it was to no avail. What I had been was now gone with the fluid that gave me life.

A wet tear rolled down my face, a solemn reminder that even in the face of my inevitable doom I would always be emotional. Without my source of power, I was nothing. Just another lifeless soul with emotions running rampant and denouncing reason. It was something I could never hope to replicate within myself. Once I had the first taste of the magical energy it gave me, I needed more.

It controlled me. And without it....

"Dan, can you please go to your office and get some work done? You've been mourning your spilled cup of coffee for a half hour. Just go get another one from the coffee pot upstairs."

"But...but... it's not nearly as good as Starbucks. How  am I supposed to stand above the endless drones of lifeless souls with a sub-par cup of coffee?"


"You wound me. You have dealt the final blow to my being. I shall now return to my humble abode where I will crumple to the ground and mourn what has been lost here today."


"I'm taking a sick day, you imbecile!"

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