Introductions and a WAR COUNCIL

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Hitotsuya POV~

Well this is new. Me and Meme are here in Azuchi and so I just have a really bad feeling about this. It never occurred to me before but this time line a bit different then where I came from originally. As preytell if yesterday, me and Meme went to Kyoto before we could this lighting came out of nowhere and zapped me, Meme and another guy, but I didn't get to know his name though but I will figure it out later.

They had given me a room to stay in for the time being. Well at least for now who knows where I might run off to if it comes to bad terms with those men. As regular I gave Meme something to eat that way she won't starve to death. But ever since I came here it just has been unpredictable with them.

"Umm...excuse me it is Mitsunari. May I  come in?" He asked. in Mitsunari Ishida. Oh now I remember him he is the one that gave me fresh clothes.

"Yes. You may!"

"Hi. It is good that you are doing okay. I want to make you comfortable as little as possible." He said with a smile.

"Thanks. I mean I have everything that I have here, but is there something else that you needed from me?"

"Oh yes now that you mentioned it. Our lord wants you at the council later on today so make sure you are prepaeed." He said as he left and closed the door behind him.

"Yip yip." Meme mewled.

"Yes I know Meme. This might be bad."

The maids came in with Mitsuhide. He left the room so that way the maids can get me ready for that....council. Then again it is not like I have a choice me and Meme did save their lord. I mean what was I thinking. Ih yeah that's right I wasn't.

So evening came and so did the council. I presented myself behind the door and entered with grace. And now fir the moment if truth the council was about to begin.

"I am very glad you can make it, Hitotsuya. I am the lord of Azuchi, Oda Nobunaga." He said with a smile.

"....Yes. I can very well see that because I saved you without thinking first."

"Did she just disrespect Lord Nobunaga? I am very sorry but you are very out of place." The brunette said with an angry look on his face.

"Oh please. Keep making that face and you will get wrinkles Hideyoshi Toyotomi."

"Oh my." Mitsunari said with a worried face expression.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"Look. I do not have time for this so please quit waisting my time. And let's get this done."

"She...she...."HIdeyoshi said when had this awful look on his face.

"Yip yip." Meme said.

"Oh right. There you go Meme. Can you breathe now?"

"Yip yip." She moved around my kimono to find a comfortable place to lay down.

"A FOX!" The warlords said at the same time.

"Enough of this time to move in with the Wat Council." Nobunaga said with a serious face.

"Wait. Dud you just say a....WAR COUNCIL?!"

Boy I hate when I call something like this.

Fox  Master and  a trickster fox spiritHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin