My Familiar Meme

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"Look here I am not trying to cause problems. It is that me and Meme are really kinda in anine with hunters after my life and yet they don't stop. Alright?"

"Fine. I am Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Lord Nobunaga's right hand man and next to me is Mitsuhide Akechi his left hand man. Across from me is Ieyasu Tokugawa. Ieyasu is our pharmacist who takes care of injuries in the war front. But mainly he is a good fighter if you want to test that." He said.

.....I am not surprised at all.

"No thanks pass and besides. I am a support type. I can only summon Meme if it an emergency or I am taking the front line in battle to fight seriously or other wise it wouldn't be any fun."

"Hmmm. That is my type of girl. I still don't believe you are a support type in battle. I mean that is me right there, but for me I am all bark and all bite. I go in for real." The guy with the eyepatch said.

"And you are.....?"

"Right. I am the head of Oshu. The One-Eye Dragon, Date Masamune. Don't hesitate on asking any questions." He said.

".....ok then. I will if needed."

"Last but not least. This is Mitsunari Ishida. He is our strategists. I would be careful is very clumsy." Hideyoshi said.

"Hi it is nice to meet you." Mitsunari said with an angelic smile.

"Same to you. Now it is my turn."

"Please do." Mitsunari said.

"I am Hitotsuya Zanzakura. I am the successor of the Zanzakura clan. My fox here is Meme she is skilled at getting information on anything and that means allies and enemy alike. Like I said before. I am a support type only in battle unless it is on the front lines that I go all out. I can cast many wide range, short range, and close range if I deemed that someone needed help. I also heal people weither it is over 100 of more I can only handle it. I will be right with Ieyasu if I need to. But I only ask to let me rest I am overworking myself way to hard or I am at my limit. I will be counting on all of you."

I had finished explain things to them. And they all nodded their heads in agreement with me.

"Very well then. I will allow it so. I am counting on you Hitotsuya." Nobunaga said.

"Thank you."

"My I ask you about your title Hitotsuya?" Mitsunari said.

"Yes. I have more than one title."

"Ok. We are ready to hear it." He said.

"Call me which title you want. I am called the Goddess of Healing, Fox Tamer and the Goddess of Fortune. I bring luck to those around me."

"Wow three titles that is amazing Hitotsuya." He exclaimed.

"I know."

Then went onto the war council after the introductions was made. We had made plans on our focus of attacks, where we were positioned, and how we attack. Me and Meme agreed to be only released if need. I thought I was a good idea for Meme because I have to chant to her to release her many forms. First would be a nine tailed fox named Lily which moves onto the human fox named Tamanomae or Tama for short, which thens goes into the white fox form that looks just like Mitsuhide but her name Horan and then goes into her final form the superform 《Vilapanese》 Meme. I showed them the many stages only using my visual skill. And they understood in hiw it works and they all agreed saying I can't not go into the last two stages if Meme it might either kill me or put me on uconscious for three days which is no big deal and I still went with it.

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