Telling the Griers

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Hayes' POV- Today we are telling my family that Lilia is pregnant, again. To be honest, I'm quite scared of how my mom

will react. She freaked out when she found out that I got Lilia pregnant at 13. The knot

in my stomach got tighter as the time got closer. But If I'm this scared, I can only imagine how scared Lilia is. I mean,

She's going to be a mom of two and she's only 16!

Lilia's POV- We are coming over to dinner with Hayes' family tonight, and tell them that were expecting. I'm

Terrified, imagine what they will think of me. They probably already think I'm that whore that got pregnant at 13. We

are going over at 6:30, right now it's 5:30. I better start getting ready. They live 15 minutes away, so we'll leave at 6:15.

I picked out a medium length white dress with short sleeves and had flower lace on the back, I put my hair in a bun and

finished it up with a white bow. For makeup, I applied mascara, winged eyeliner, bob cream, and pink lip gloss, I put

Jayden in a blue dress with poofy sleeves, Rhine stones, and dark blue patterned netting on the skirt part of it. I put her

hair in a ponytail and curled the ends. I slipped on her black Mary Janes and white socks on her feet. I put on some

White pumps and we waited for Hayes, " You look nice." Complemented him when he walked out. " You do too my

Love." He said back kissing my forehead. He flinched because be got powder and bob cream on his lips. He picked up

Jay on his hip and gave her a kiss. We left, and 15 minutes later, arrived at the house. " We knocked on the door and

Elizabeth opened the door. " hi there!" She greeted all of us with a smile and a hug. " Oh Jayden, look how big your

Getting sweetie!" She said to Jay, giving her a kiss." After dinner, I gave Hayes the look signaling that it was time to

Tell them. He nodded, Jayden had already knew, she is thrilled that she's going to have a little sibling. " Mom, dad,

Nash, Sky, Lilia and I have something to tell you." He said while biting his lip. " Yes, what is it Honey." Elizabeth asked.

" Well," he started before Jay cut him off. " Mommy has a baby inside her tummy!" She said in excitement. She looked

at both of us in confusion for a minute, then smiled. " Congratulations." She said getting up to give me a hug and rub my

Tummy taking to the baby." " your not mad?" Hayes says in confusion. " Hayes, I'm a bit disappointed in you but Lilia,

She turned to me with a smile, you got through a pregnancy at only 13, you'll do great now." All of the family including

Jayden emerged in a group hug, today ended up being a pretty good day.

He broke up with me, not knowing I was pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now