[1] smile

19 3 0


our eyes met when he entered the store. He looked graceful with a smile onto his lips, his eyes tightly closed. He had his hands in his pockets so instead of waving he bowed a little, letting out a soundless 'hello'.

I was left dumbfounded, Kim Namjoon had not only looked at me but also bowed and said hello. How could an angel simply recognize my existence?

I realized that my jaw was found almost on the ground as I kept staring at him look for books. I shook my body to wake up from the trance of etherealness that is Kim Namjoon. I looked down to attempt to continue with my task, but somehow the most interesting thing to do seemed boring.

Why in the heavens would I do anything when Kim Namjoon is standing right there, looking ethereal, being ethereal, and looking for books? There was no way I could concentrate on my work. So as Namjoon shopped, I barely said hello to my beloved costumers. I answered their questions about books whilst trying not to lose sight of such a beautiful being.

Namjoon picked exactly three books in English, two books in Korean and one book in Japanese. How could a man be so smart? Being able to read in more than one language? Wow. Just wow.

'hello!' Namjoon's voice was like a melody, and I may have melted right away. Seeing him so close is like meeting your favorite character out of your favorite book; surreal.

'hello! have you ever shopped at Seul's International Bookstore?' I asked as usual but my heart skipped a few beats when Namjoon looked at me giving me his attention.

'no, actually! this is my first time here... and I'm thinking of coming back often, you guys have so many books that I used to have to order online, they'd get home wrecked! But now that I found this store I might come back more often," Namjoon smiled sweetly, he seemed relieved to have found our bookstore.

my heart skipped a few more beats when I realized he'd come back.

'that's great then! would you like to create your membership card? we give monthly discounts and usually, the hardcover books become much cheaper' I try to sound confident, my voice ends up coming out like a robot's voice.

'alright, let's give it a shot'

and that was how I ended the rest of my shift speaking to the Kim Namjoon while marking his compromise to coming to this bookstore more often.


[a/n] please be nice to me... I'm not very confident in my writing so... yeah...

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