[3] trauma

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I walked into my apartment to the smell of food. I immediately walked over to the kitchen to find Jimin and Yoongi cooking sternly. They were both so concentrated on the food and each other, they didn't even notice my presence. That was until I attempted leaving soundlessly, only to bump into a wall and groan at the pain.

I found out they realized my presence through their loud laughs that couldn't echo through the kitchen but echoed in my head. I scratched my forehead while scrunching my nose. It hurt a little but I would be okay.

Jimin, on the other hand, had already thrown himself onto Yoongi for support. Jimin has always laughed with his entire body, and both Yoongi and I have always found that endearing about him. In reality, everything about Park Jimin was so endearing and lovingly adorable. I could list them until I die, and even after I die. I could list them for eternity.

I smiled at them, being embarrassed by what had just occurred.

'you seem a little different today' Yoongi observed, my cheeks have indeed tinted a shade of pink. It was the aftermath of meeting an unbelievably handsome man at a bookstore. He left me speechless. Well, not really, I simply babbled on and on about trivial things. Oversharing sometimes happens to me. A, mostly failed, attempt to fill the awkward silence that would happen otherwise.

'oh yeah, your cheeks are red! What happened hyung?' Jimin finally noticed and opened his eyes widely, a smile appearing on his face afterward. His eyes disappeared completely. 'did hyung see something he shouldn't?" Jimin giggled and covered his smile. Yoongi glanced at him and rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

'I apologize for chim chim's childishness, he found wine in my room and drank a third of it. You're lucky I found him, it could be worse.' Yoongi looked amused even though he noticed how Jimin was completely out of control with giggles and falling onto random things.

I smiled at him. 'well...' I considered telling them about the handsome man, but decided not to. So I shook my head slightly, 'what did you guys cook?' I asked while walking over to see what they cooked.

'we made a failed attempt at bibimbap..." Yoongi commented and I took off the lid of the pan to find that they had burnt the rice. I closed the pan immediately not to leave the house smelling like burnt rice. I looked at Yoongi with a questioning look because they rarely burn the rice. Especially Jimin. 'look, man, we were hungry... but Jimin's lips need attention too you know?'

'I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that and I forgive you for traumatizing me and I hope you two didn't go further than just kissing in my kitchen. I shall go wash up right now, good night.'

'night night Monie hyung!" Jimin said cutely and I immediately forgave him too for making out in my kitchen.

It's not that I don't like that they're a couple, it's the fact that I know they end up always going further than just kisses. So I forbid kissing in my kitchen, or my couch, or my room. I shuddered in thinking of a slight possibility of anything further than a kiss happening between my best friends.


[a/n] so... I established Yoonmin even though I don't ship it (???) I don't know, I just wanted to see how I would write Jimin's personality clashing with Yoongi's personality if they were more than just friends. This will be an interesting journey 🤔

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