Home Sweet Home

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"One day I will get you to a better home Mom." A brief sigh escaped from S/N's lips as he stared upon the home in front of him. It was a little rundown, but still liveable. However, that fact alone didn't deter S/N from wanting to help his Mom move out from the neighborhood. She deserved better than this. It didn't matter what she did in the past. She had been trying her hardest to help support him and he had to do the same. Walking up to the door, S/N took his key from around his neck and unlocked it, looking up for a couple moments. "Did I leave anything? No... I don't think I did. Doesn't really matter anyways. I could just run over there in a blink of an eye." Chuckling, S/N opened the door and smelled something quite familiar. Fish. If there was truly one food that his mother loved above all else, it would be fish. Salmon and tuna especially.

"Mom, I'm back!" As he shut the door behind him, S/N could hear the sound of something drop in the sink. It was most likely a fork. "Three...two... one..." Turning around, S/N opened his arms and was nearly tackled to the ground by a black blur. "You're home! I thought something happened to you! Why didn't you call me?" Looking down at the person who hugged him, S/N couldn't help but laugh. It was Blake. The cat faunas had oddly resembled her mother when she was younger. The only difference being that Blake kept her hair long while Kali had shorter hair. "Sorry about that Mom. It kind of slipped my mind."

"Well it better not happen again, okay?" Blake then let go of S/N and kissed him on the cheek.

"Okay. So, I guess you're making fish again, huh?"

"You know I am. We had your favorite food yesterday, so it's only fair that I have mine today."

"Salmon or Tuna?"

"I couldn't decide so I just to make both. Have a seat and I'll be out shortly."

As Blake walked away, a frown began to set itself upon S/N's face. Blake was a little happier than usual and sometimes, that meant that things were going as well as they seem. Sitting down on the couch, S/N took out his scroll and began to call a good friend of his. A guy by the name of Carlos. After a few seconds, Carlos finally picked up.

"This is Carlos speaking."

"Hey Carlos, it's S/N. Is it ready?"

"Almost. Just need to run a few test and we'll be good to go. Can't believe we're actually doing this man. We'll be one of the few people to actually do it!"

"Yeah. If I was, you know who, then I could just do it myself... but I'm glad I can't. At least not yet anyways."

"You think he'll know?"

"Not now. Later he might. By then though, it'll be a little late."

"Got ya. Oh, gotta go! Bye man!"

"Bye." Once the call ended, S/N placed his scroll on the table and looked into the kitchen. He could see the smile on Blake's face grow by the second. Perhaps nothing was wrong. Perhaps she was just happy to see her baby boy alive and well. Deep down however, S/N knew that her smile would die down when she found out about the news. "I know you might not like it, but I gotta do this Mom."

For the fifth time in about an hour, S/N had been watching his Mom stare out the window. He could see the tears running down her face, but he didn't know what they were from exactly. What was making her like this? "Hey, Mom?" Blake's gaze stayed focused on the window as more tears flowed down her cheeks. "Yes?"

"You're crying. What's wrong?" As S/N took a step into Blake's room, he had seen her jump slightly in her chair. Quickly, Blake wiped away her tears and turned to her son, who had been staring at her in complete worry. "Mom, is this about what happened in the past?" Blake's gaze then shifted to the floor, her eyes staring at the wet spots on the ground. As much as she didn't wish to admit it, Blake was thinking of the past. She was thinking about how much she failed as a person. "Yes honey. I... I am."

"Mom, you don't-"

"I know that I shouldn't be thinking of it. I... I just..."

"Mom..." Slowly, S/N approached Blake. He then kneeled in front of her and put her hand into the grasp of his. "I know it's hard not to think about what happened. What Zoom did and what you and everyone else did. I know that each time you look out that window, you want change. You want the past to change and for the future to change as well. I know that sometimes... you even look at me with a bit of hate for what Zoom did."

At those words, Blake could feel her heart shatter. Did S/N believe that she hated him? "H-Honey! I... I could never hate you. Just because Y/N..." Blake closed her eyes for a moment before opening them. "It doesn't mean that I could ever hate you. You aren't a monster. You are no demon. You are my son. My special, special boy who I will be forever proud of because of the heart and strength you have. I know what you do S/N. I know that you go out at night and save as many people as you can. Just knowing that makes me even more proud. Don't ever... ever think that I hate you." Soon, both mother and son had tears in their eyes, embracing each other in a warm hug. "I love you Mom."

"I love you too son. I love you too."

"S/N, food's ready!" Snapping out of his thoughts, S/N stood up from the couch and grinned. "Great! Don't eat most of it before I get there!"

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