A Day Never Forgotten

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"Mom, I... I had another nightmare. It was worse than last time." S/N's body quivered slightly as he felt Blake's arms wrap around his body. For the third time in a week, S/N had walked into his mother's room after having yet another nightmare. The first nightmare was about his father, coming to take him away from Blake. The second was about an Alpha trying to eat him. The third and most recent nightmare was about Blake lying on the ground, not breathing or responding to him.

"It'll be alright S/N. Those nightmares that you're having? They aren't real. They are just your imagination trying to scare you."

"B-But it felt real. I... I saw that you weren't breathing and..."

"S/N, look at me. I promise you, that I will never leave you. Do you know why? It's because I love you more than anything in this world. I couldn't stand breaking your heart. That's the last thing I would ever want."

Blake kissed S/N on the forehead and held his small body tighter than earlier. "Do... Do you really promise?"

"Of course honey. Do you wanna sleep in here with me?"


Tears clouded S/N's vision as he chased after Evelyn. No matter what he did, the image of his mother's dead body refused to leave his mind. He wasn't there to save her. For years, Blake was there to comfort and protect him, but when she needed him, he wasn't able to be there. He wasn't fast enough. Not only did he fail her as her protector, but he failed her as a son.

Evelyn stopped at the same field as last time, laughing as S/N caught up to her. "You know, I think you've gotten a little bit faster. Though, it's nothing next to what I can do. At least you could put up a fight though. Blake was-"

Before Evelyn could finish speaking, S/N struck her across the jaw which caused her to get sent flying and tumble along the field. Slowly, Evelyn rose from the ground with a soft chuckle. She saw that he was aiming to hit her, but she decided not to do anything. "You know S/N, it's not nice to hit girls. What have I ever done to you?"

Unsurprisingly, S/N didn't answer Evelyn's question. Though she did at least want him to say something to her. Evelyn wiped the blood from her mouth and flashed a sinister grin. "Come on S/N, aren't you gonna say something? The game isn't fun when-" Yet again, S/N struck Evelyn across the jaw, but this time she stood firm. She slowly turned her and head and hit him square in the liver, causing S/N to drop to his knees. From what Y/N told Evelyn, the liver can't take strong attacks. It was odd to know that it does so much, yet can't take a few hits.

"Come on. Get up." S/N raised his head to look at Evelyn, only to get punched square in the nose. Once he felt back Evelyn crossed her arms and smirked. "Look at that? Two hits and you already have a bloody nose. Get up." A growl escaped S/N's lips and he stood up, wiping the blood from his nose. Just as he was about to make a move, Evelyn ran circles around him, striking his body numerous times. Most of which were in the kidneys, liver, his nose, spine, and ribs.

However, through sheer will he was at least able to support himself with his knees. "Oh S/N. Sweet, little S/N. If you were fast enough, you could've stopped me from hitting you so many times. If you were fast enough, you could've saved your whore of a mother." Evelyn backhanded S/N on to the ground, causing him to cough up blood. She then grabbed him by his hair and lifted his head, forcing him to look at her. "Every time you see the color red... you're gonna think of me. Every time you hate yourself... every time you fail... you're gonna think of me. Every bad thing that you encounter will be because of me."

Evelyn reeled her fist back and punched S/N in the nose once more.

"When you feel your body break, that's because of me. When you think of Blake's corpse, that because of me. All of it is because of me S/N." Glaring at his sister, S/N spit on Evelyn's face and growled.

"Fuck. You." A smirk formed on Evelyn's face and she used her free hand to grab his throat. However, as she did so, S/N used whatever strength he had left and started hitting her in stomach. Sadly, this only caused her grip to tighten. "Any pain you feel... it's because of me S/N. I'm every bad day you'll ever have from this point forward." With a sinister chuckle, Evelyn let go of S/N's body and ran off into the night.

For a few moments, S/N laid on the ground. His lip was cut, his nose was broken, his body was bruised, his liver felt like it got stomped on, blood stained his shirt, and overall he felt like shit. It was only thanks to his aura and semblance that he would be able to heal up a little bit. However, that would only heal some of the physical wounds. In his line of vision, S/N spotted the broken moon above him. It had seen and heard the events that conspired and yet, it couldn't do anything. It wasn't like it could anyways. After all, it was just the moon.

Though, S/N couldn't fault the moon. He could only blame himself for what happened. If he were stronger and faster, he could've avenged his mother.

Using whatever strength that he still had, S/N got up from off the ground and dusted himself off. He then limped off the field and clenched his fist. "I... I will get faster. I will get stronger."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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