ThundyTortureTime (#37)

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[Warning: Knives & Blood so you might wanna skip dis if u ain't comfortable]

3 hours after posting the new revival page a dare had already popped up inside the old-fashioned Askn'Dare mailbox that has been placed In front of the (rebuilt) treehouse. The dare itself has been sent from a familiar fellow that they sure missed..well mostly everyone

Thunder: you should have grown more this year and yet you're still as small as ever *caresses the  Lil kitten*

Bolt: mew? *curls on Thundys lap upwards and stares at thunder with her giant cute orbs*

Thunder: don't do this to me bolt...

Bolt: *inches closer and snuggles her forehead into Thundy's palm and purrs* 

Thunder: *inhales*....*buries his head in the kitten's furry chest as he internally screams*

Cyclone: Thundy what are you doing?

Thunder: *jolts back into his previous sitting position as Bolt stares at him confused* ummm, I fell asleep and bolt decided to bury himself beneath me?

Cyclone:.... why?

Thunder: I have soft hair?..wait why are you here

Cyclone: I should ask you, we're literally on the top of the treehouse


Cyclone: ......

Bolt: ........

Coco: ...Tweet

Cyclone: oh and I was playing with coco, he wanted to go out and stretch his beautiful chocolate colored wings owo

Coco: *lands beside Bolt and snuggles with her*

Cyclone: and now he's snuggling with Bolt 

Thunder: whatever

Cyclone: aweee they look so adorable together, don't you agree thundy?

Thunder: *shrugs* it's probably time I get off here and do something else *walks towards the ladder that is connected to one of the outside balconies of the treehouse*

Cyclone: whaaa you're leaving already? I just got here, why don't you stick around a bit more and have fun with mee, I mean it's been a while hasn't it? Since we hung out together..gosh now I wished that I still had that box of toys you accidentally left-back at Rose's home

Thunder: first of all, I left it on purpose second, you were the one supposed to take it back, it's your property, not mine so I wasn't the one responsible

Cyclone: *lays on his hoverboard downwards (like a suffer) his chest placed on the board* ehhh, don't blame me I didn't know you weren't going to bring it back

Thunder: *sigh* maybe next time cy *goes down but bolt passes by the ladder with Coco * when did-.. nevermind

Cyclone: woahhhhhh, Bolt just passed the ladder you were climbing from

Thunder: well yeah, she might have just jumped off from the top, being a cat and all

Cyclone: buuuuut Bolt is a black cat

Thunder: and?

Cyclone: haven't you heard? If a black cat passes under the ladder you're currently climbing on, you'll get bad luck!

Thunder: ...your point?

Cyclone: it means you have bad luck! For today maybe or forever!

Thunder: Cy that's utter nonsense, just folklore or a lie told to little children like the other lies and nonsense adult splatter about. Besides that, Bolt just passed by the ladder not under it...the ladder is carved into the wood-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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