Candy Pop x Jason

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TW: Language

January 18th, 1857, Great Britain

Snow suffocated the ground, covering it in a beautifully cold powder. The sound of a horse pulling a wagon on a gravel road was the only noise around in the quiet forest. Said horse was a dappled grey named Perle. The driver of the wagon was a young man, and the local towns' toymaker, Jason Meyer. He was getting back from his shop in Waning Field, a small town a half a day's trip from London. Jason was a quiet man, kept to himself and lived alone outside of Waning Field in the forest. Perle pulled the wagon to a cottage, the normally colorful flowers surrounding the home were dead and frosted over. Jason stepped off the wagon, undoing the restraints keeping his horse to the wooden vehicle. He brought the dappled creature to a small barn, placing her in a stable. The toymaker put a blanket on his horse to keep her warmer through the cold winter night. He patted Perle, wishing her a good night before heading into his home.

Jason sighed when he entered the cottage, taking off one of his heavy winter coats. A soft head pressed against the toymaker's leg, his attention going to the source of the contact. A cat was rubbing against the man's leg, purring as he greeted his owner back home. Valentine, the cat, was a ragdoll breed. He was primarily white with some soft grey and cream colors mixed in. His eye were a powder blue, matching his fur very well. Jason crouched down, petting Valentine, who pressed his head into Jason's hand in response. The honey eyed man stood back up straight, heading over to the fireplace. There was wood already placed there from the morning. It was a small preparation Jason just tended to do on his work days. He started a fire to warm up, the fluffy cat flopping down next to the fireplace to feel the nice heat that came from the flames. Jason scratched behind Valentine's ear, the cat purring from the affection.

After dinner and an absolutely freezing bath, the toymaker was dressed for bed. He drew in a sketchbook, the once blank page now covered in a design for a wooden horse with a toy soldier to go with it. Jason sat the drawings down, rubbing his temples. It felt as if he had a migraine, which was a sign that he should turn into bed. His room was completely coated in shadows so he wouldn't have to worry about light bothering him. He stood from his chair, walking to his room. Valentine followed him, being quiet talkative with Jason, although the man could not understand his beloved cat. The red haired slipped into bed, the blue eyed feline jumping up on the bed, laying on his owner's chest. Jason closed his eyes, petting his purring kitty as he tried lulling himself to sleep.

Silver bells jingled together, an exhausted form walking through the frigid night. The unbearable temperature started getting to the incubus, his nose and cheeks dusted with a blue blush from the cold. Candy Pop was the name of the demon who was dragging his feet through the snow. He was trying to find any place that could be suitable to sleep at, but it was staring to seem as if he would never find a shelter. All he wanted was a nice, cozy- fire. Were his eyes deceiving him, was he really seeing smoke riding up? He used the last bit of his energy to run to the source of the smoke, and to his utmost luck, there was a farm and house. He knew the fire meant there was a person or people in the home, but he could easily kill them if they caused issue. It took some convincing, but Candy Pop eventually got what he assumed to be the front door open. He stepped instead the house, the nice heat from dying fire giving the demon the warmth he so desperately needed. He closed the door, going to the fire to get it going again. Once the fire got burning once more, relief filled the man knowing that he wasn't going to freeze. Now with that worry out of the way, he could actually look at where he'd be staying for the next for days. The living space was simple, yet also filled with uniquely colored furniture. Candy Pop thought that humans liked boring browns and tans, but the couch was a red color with grey pillows. There was also a nice golden chair with some short of design on the cushions. The demon noticed a table in between the chair and couch, something appeared to be resting atop the wooden table. The blue haired man stood, walking over to the small table. He picked up the bundle of papers, his pink eyes focusing on the beautiful drawing. He flipped through the pages, each having one or more drawing on it. Candy Pop didn't know why someone was drawing these things, but they were certainly talented. He sat the sketchbook back down, making sure it was closed when he did.

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