10 P.M.

16 1 0

A/N: Warning very angsty, might be triggering, talk of abuse

Tae woke up to see it was 10 pm, he freaked out, his parents were going to kill him. He started to stand up he then realized that 1. He was laying on top of Jungkook and 2. Kook had his arm wrapped securely around his waist. He tried to get up again but this time he woke the other up as well.

"Where you going beautiful?"

"I need to go home!"

"Just stay the night"

"I can't, my parents will kill me"

"We don't have school tomorrow it's fine"

"No they will literally kill me, no joke!"

"I doubt they will actually kill you"

"You don't know my parents, if I'm not home by the time they are, which is like 3 hours after school ends, they beat me. I thought I would be able to come home before they do but I didn't." 

He was hyperventilating by this point, he was having a full on panic attack, he has never been this late before, he didn't know what to expect at this point.

"They beat you baby?" 


"Where? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Tae pulled up his sweater slightly to reveal his stomach. His stomach was covered in bruises, cuts, and red marks.

"Baby, are you okay, I'm so sorry."

"No, It's fine, I deserve it"

"No you don't, no one does, especially you! You deserve the world!"

"No, no I don't"

"Yes beautiful, you do. Now if you want to, can you tell me why they beat you besides being late? Again you don't have to, but I'm here if you do, 'k?'

"Just in general. I if fail a test, if I'm late, if I wake up late, if my rooms not clean, if I don't do my chores, if I interrupt them while they're busy." Tae was crying, hard. Jungkook just hugged him, not caring that his shirt was wet. He truly cared for the boy, he wanted to be there for him, he would do anything for him. Even if they only started dating a couple hours ago, he felt that he was going to always be there for him. He knew that he was going to marry him one day. He loved him. But right now, he had to do something about what his boyfriend just said.

Tae was in shock of what his boyfriend was doing, he never thought that such a nice person existed, he knew he already had fallen hard for the older, he already knew he loved him, and that he wanted to marry him one day.

"Babe, wanna live with me?"

Tae wasn't expecting to here those words come from the older's mouth. He really wanted to, but wasn't it a bit soon. He voiced his feelings.

"I would love to, but isn't that a bit to soon?"

"For you, no, I already know I wanna live the rest of my life with you. Also, I don't want you to keep being mistreated, I care for you to much to see you like that, to see you hurt."

Tae was yet again shocked, he didn't think that the boy would feel the same way he did. He also didn't want to go back home.

"Ok, but what about clothes?"

"That's a good question. Well for tonight you can wear my clothes, and what about tomorrow I take you shopping?"

"That's to much, I can't except you buying me clothes."

"What about instead come Monday, after school before your parents come home, we go to your house and we can grab your stuff then?"


"You sure?'


"Ok, what ever you say, beautiful."


"Ok, well let's get you some clothes and a shower, ok?"


Kook got up are carried the boy up stairs to his room. He went to his dresser, and grabbed a pair of boxers, a pair of black sweat pants, and his smallest sweater, which would still be humongous on him. He handed him the clothes, then went to the hall and grabbed a fluffy towel.

"You can use my soaps, and after you finish we can fix up your injuries."

"Where will you shower though?"

"I'll shower after you"

Kook lead him to the bathroom and told him to call for him if he needed anything.

After Tae finished showering he came out in the clothes, even though they were the smallest clothes in Kooks closet, they were giant on the small boy.

Kook got up and took the quickest shower ever, he was only in there for a couple minutes, was he finished washing himself, he got out, dried himself, and went out to get some clothes, he was wearing the same type of thing as Tae was, boxers, sweats, and a sweater. He changed in the bathroom and came back out to Tae just sitting on his bed. Jungkook went back to the hall and grabbed the first aid kit. He sat the kit on his nightstand, and came over to where Tae was. 

"May I?"

Tae just nodded and shyly took his sweater off, so the other could fix him up. Jungkook was horrified to see the extent of the injuries, his back and stomach were covered in them, and he some going below the lines of the others sweats. He was on the verge of tears. How could someone do this to someone as innocent as Tae. He got to work carefully, on the younger. He was putting some disinfectant on one of the cuts that was particularly bad, and Tae winced. 

"Sorry babe, but we're almost done, then we can sleep again"

Tae just nodded, once Jungkook was done putting some antibiotics on all his cuts, and bandages on the really bad ones, Tae put the sweater back and layed down on the bed.

Jungkook quickly put the first aid kit away, and came back to his room. He layed down beside the younger, and hugged him, Tae cuddled into him, his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck. Jungkook just layed there cuddling him. He soon felt Tae's breathing become more even and noticed how cute the other was when he was sleeping. He just kissed his head and said

"I will never let anyone hurt you again, I love you, beautiful."

Jungkook soon fell asleep, still holding the smaller boy in his arms.

A/N: I'm very sorry but it needed to be done. This is a very serious topic, and I don't really know much about it. I'm very sorry if this is true to anyone, and I do not take this topic lightly. I really hope all of you guys are doing okay, and that y'all are resting enough.

I Purple You, stay safe, healthy, and happy.

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